Who supplies the most efficient/hi-output AA boost driver?

Specifically a AA boost driver that limits to 1.5v and preferably single mode. Essentially NiMh and alkaline. (However multi-mode’s ok too.)

Relatively higher Amp output and efficiency may collide in feasibility but you never know. Board diameter for AA practicality let’s say no greater than 16mm with 14mm - 15mm preferred powering an XPE-2.

Are there (new?) impressive little beasts being supplied out there now?

I believe that Sofirn driver’s for their latest models SP10B etc. are very good. They handle AA, and 14500 lithium batteries.
Try their shop on Aliexpress…

I would say for you to try on MTN store!
NikolaS, those drivers are mostly side switch drivers, I am not sure if it is easy to make them work as “board” drivers, though!

Thanks guys for the effort.

Here’s kinda one albeit at 17mm and 20 modes (!). Criminy. :laughing:


IIRC our resident battery expert, HKJ, knows AA boost drivers uber well.

Is there a reason why you want it to be limited to 1.5V only? There are some 2AA boost drivers that can also handle down to 0.8V input, IIRC. Those could be useful with either single or 2x AA, alkaline and NimH, or single cell Lithium Primaries up to 3 volts. Limiting to 1.5V might make it more difficult to find a good one, unless it is made for 1D cell instead.


Well let me ask you this. If a 2AA boost driver can go down to 0.8V input would it be as efficient run time wise to a 1.5V boost driver, or because of the inherent ‘extra’ circuitry allowing a 3V input (and possibly more) is that a factor? Again this would be single mode/full blast.

I guess what I’m saying here is would the type of boost driver limited/dedicated to 1.5V/1.2V likely have an inherent different circuitry design that defacto makes it run more efficient with also greater potential output at 1.5V/1.2V than one that can handle more V ranges?

I may be redundant here. :laughing:


Hi, please take a look at this: https://www.illumn.com/700ma-boost-aa-driver.html
But board diameter is 17 mm.


That, I certainly don’t know. I was hoping you could tell me. :innocent:

I’m hopeless enough but I guarantee you’re a lot less hopeless than me! :smiley:

Is there an easy way to reduce the output by 1/2?
With 7135 you can simply pop them off the board but I don’t recognize anything on this one.
350ma would be nice but I could even go lower.

I don’t see any kind of sense resistor on that board, so I’m not sure.
This one should be adjustable to 350ma by increase the sense resistor value.

Thx, MustSimon.

That’s getting close indeed except for board diameter. The variable 1.5 - 3V driver of Moderator007 if the reviews of it are accurate appears to run pretty warm. Thx, Moderator.

I ’m somewhat jump-surmising here OTOH that the linear boost driver supplied from Illumn inherently runs cooler because of the circuit design - why that would inherently be true I’m certainly not sure as DavidEF mentioned.