Why does SolarForce tease us?

First this http://www.solarforce.hk/index.php?controller=products&action=view&id=120 which they don’t sell yet themselves now followed by this http://www.solarforce.hk/index.php?controller=products&action=view&id=123 Which we are going to just have to wait for also.

I know, its lame. Rather deal directly with them than the other slow poke chinese vendors

Well they made a name with P60 compatible lights so maybe they are cloning a Surefire tease as they expand the L2 line. Compared to the Surefire catalog offerings that either never make it to market or come much later and heavily redesigned, this isn’t that bad.

I know it’s a bit of a tease but probably meant to get you wanting before they are ready for sale.
Stick to the sales site and you won’t be teased, :slight_smile: everything on there is in stock, I think. I only buy parts from there. Best shipping times I’ve ever had at very reasonable shipping rates, $2 no matter how large or small the order. :wink:

I must admit it is quite annoying. I see no real reason why their own online store won’t sell the L2C, yet you can already buy it from other Chinese vendors…

Yes, Thank You! More teasing! :stuck_out_tongue:

I already really really want the L2C, and now the extended body is on that same wish list. I put the L2X extended body on my K3, but this new one is really appealing and the timing is great as MattAus created a Knucklehead driver in buck configuration to run 1-3 cells. :slight_smile:

Ya, I really like the L2C, but wish they would make a "L2Cm" as well so I can have an 18350 version! Plus, I'm still waiting on the SolarForce L2T-itanium, when is that suppose to come out?

A Ti L2 series? Oh yeah! Would HAVE to have one, obviously!

They could even do a carbon fiber battery tube with Ti head and carbon fiber tail cap with Ti bezel. :slight_smile:

In fact, really like to have a L2M in copper!!!

+1 on the L2C, any hint as to $? I’m really stoked to get the L2-D18. I’ve been eyeing the FM 2x18650 host tube for a long time but couldn’t put in the order. As R&S would say,“HAPPY HAPPY!!, JOY JOY!!”

I was just thinking the same thing. That little shorty in full copper would be freaking awesome!

I know someone that makes some spectacular things, wonder if he’d clone one and do it in copper? Hmmmm……

That would be amazing. It would be the dubbed "The SolarForce L2TiC". We can dream I guess! In the meantime, while were waiting for that to happen, hopefully I'll get this for my birthday next week. I have had my eye on it for years now! Maybe this is the year I get lucky!

SF fans, help me with a quest...

...send a quick email to solarforce.hk@gmail.com and ask them to pretty please make a 18650 version of the Z1/Z2!

They’re gonna get tired of my emails, as I already have multiple special requested logged… :wink:

That nitecore looks sweet! Shame the screws and clip aren’t the same SS as the host, it’d be perfect if all those matched…

thanks comfy, I just wrote them an email requesting a "Solarforce L2TiC" and a "mini L2C" as well. Let's see what they say!

@DBC its not Nitecore, it's a Niteye Eye10 Tic, and I would immediately take that clip off, as I like it to be Naked, so to speak!

Doesn't it seem strange they made the CR123 version, then the AA version, and then quit? Wouldn't the 18650 version sell better than both the other versions combined?

Ah, thanks for the correction…now I’m gonna have to research it! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah Comfy, I think that makes a lot of sense. Perhaps they are holding off creating internal competition with their other single 18650 series? Make one new one that sells so well they’re stuck with all the others? lol

I know, I know, but have they committed to development of their own new lights or are they stuck in the Proverbial Chinese Rut of Cloning? It would indeed be nice to see a new, designed from scratch, fully SolarForce product. Might be tough to do at this point, when you think about it. I mean, a brand new engineer, never before into flashlights, designing a light with a clean slate, wouldn’t he pretty much come up with similar design parameters that have already been thoroughly hashed out?

And yes, I also know that’s not what you’re asking for…you’d like to able to mod a larger version of those lights you named. But would those sell for Solarforce? I guess that’s the question they’re asking themselves and we’ll see the answer in the next few quarters…

Speaks for itself http://www.solarforceflashlight-sales.com/product_detail.php?id=694&s=16&t=FA

Does anyone see specs for the L2-D18 tube, I mean, like overall length? I’m highly interested in that one, but for a 3x AA use. Might be just a tad too short for that.

For now I use an L2 with two L2m extensions, which is very tight for 3 Eneloop, but doable. It’s just a bit ugly because of slightly different anodisation of the parts, so I hope for this tube being long enough.

It is for 2x18650 cells. I would venture a guess that it is about 130mm’s or so in length.

Fivemega I think sells a host for 3-AA’s.