Yeah, I had this revelation as I was going to sleep last night. The words came in my head: In the beginning all there was, was light. / I knew it, I knew it, there is a God, and he made the greatest torch eva. Ok, so I was thinking how did he do it, and what did he use for a driver and a reflector…oh yeah, a LD/LED especial (Spanish).
I am on a roll now…before the light, there was this huge quantum hole (well). Out of this hole jumps an electron and a positron, and these are not your garden variety leptons, quarks, or bosons … these are Godzilla matter, anti matter enemies. Well, they get it on, and zowie, they come together and laze — what a sight, 4D coherent light, so thick it makes glowing, lazing, Einstein-Bose condensate soup infinitely thick and flying all over the place. Well, coherent light, became chaos, globs, holes, and everything from a to z. So now I want a Electron/Positron 4D Coherent Light — Lazing Torch for Christmas…