Why God is a Laserhead/Flashoholic

Yeah, I had this revelation as I was going to sleep last night. The words came in my head: In the beginning all there was, was light. / I knew it, I knew it, there is a God, and he made the greatest torch eva. Ok, so I was thinking how did he do it, and what did he use for a driver and a reflector…oh yeah, a LD/LED especial (Spanish).

I am on a roll now…before the light, there was this huge quantum hole (well). Out of this hole jumps an electron and a positron, and these are not your garden variety leptons, quarks, or bosons … these are Godzilla matter, anti matter enemies. Well, they get it on, and zowie, they come together and laze — what a sight, 4D coherent light, so thick it makes glowing, lazing, Einstein-Bose condensate soup infinitely thick and flying all over the place. Well, coherent light, became chaos, globs, holes, and everything from a to z. So now I want a Electron/Positron 4D Coherent Light — Lazing Torch for Christmas…

Put the Bong down & step away from it! :smiley:

I'll have what he's having.


Sounds legit :wink:

With Pics .... It didn't happen .....

Merry Christmas

no more eggnog - had enough - Thank You

I’ll take two of what ever your having. :wink:

yep, there are lots of Biblical references to God as light, or the giver of light.

And the name Lucifer means "bearer of light," if you want to get biblical.

Apollo was known as the shining one, that’s a god after my own heart :wink: