Why I hate flashlight manufacturers

Because they keep making new interesting lights....

I have cut down so I only have about 10 flashlights left (probably more) but when I see the new Jetbeams, and Nitecores, its hard to resist.

I really only wanted to have a handful.

Anyone else trying to cut back?

Yep, asside from the sd10 gb which im going to keep as an emergency light, ive decided that any new lights I get, I have to make myself. Of course it means im probably going to get more tools in the process, but tools are always a good investment.

Yes, tools are always a good investment.

I prefer not to mod too many lights, as they tend to take a lot of time and frustration.. Thats the reason I sold a few of my unfinished projects.
Just couldn`t bare it anymore.

and the new Nitecores and Jetbeams look very interesting...

I should cut back, but I keep buying more :~ At least now I mainly only get new and different lights like I got a zoomie since I don’t have a decent one and I got a 3*MTG2 because I don’t have anything that powerful instead of just getting 100 lights that basically do the same thing like I was doing before.

What lights from Nitecore and Jetbeam are tickling your fancy?

I mostly buy lights that can be turned into a project, I even modded the BLF EE X6. So the newest Nitecores and Jetbeams luckily are not so attractive because they tend to be glued together.

(I love flashlight manufacturers for providing hosts, it is the part of modding that I can not do myself, I hate them for always screw little things up so that I have to improve things that should have been done right in the first place)

You`re funny Djozz!

Just trying to cut back in lights and time spending on searching/reading/modding lights to use the time for something else.. family that is.

dangerous: the new MKR lights look very nice, as well as the 4AA thrunite. And the jetbeam that banggood recently added, that can take AA and 18650 cells.

I understand...

My personal challenge is to channel the flashlight hobby in a way that both me and the family stay happy.I admit that I do not always succeed in that .

(When my son -4 yrs now- grows up he may even appreciate the hobby )

Glue throws me off so many light because I know most stock lights won’t please me anymore.

+1 on hosts

I sold or gifted away all my lights this last year. For about two months I only had a modified Solitaire, from a collection of about 15.

Then, one by one the collection has grown again….damn BLF!

I’ve actually been doing the exact opposite with those 2 brands specifically, while they’re more challenging to mod it’s also more rewarding, and you have a product you can sell for more than a budget host based build.

Recently Ive modded-
~1 dozen EA41’s (used them as hosts only for pukelight)
3 EA41’s (as triple white lights- EA41_CK)
A P20 (modded factory driver)
An F30R (MT-G2)
2 V11R’s (and destroyed 2 other in the process of making a triple)
total build up of a CR6 (including custom fit 3 board driver and tint mixing UI)
EA8 (major resistor mod and SST-90)
And a few others, I’ve also been using fenix’s as hosts too.

I really enjoy the extra work to get them apart without damage. I think I’m about ready to take another stab at a zebra (SC52). I’ve also been using a lot of shadow lights recently and of course OLIGHT (but they never glue their lights).

Edit: for some reason I read your post as “nitecore and SWM”.

After a few disappointing purchases I realized I could loose a lot of money and get just a little joy for it, so I am putting the brake on new products and buy only after extensive research things that I or my family really need. I have other hobbies, one being educating myself in many areas, that certainly helps :wink: