Why low numbers entering the O-L contest?

No worries :beer:

OL used to do custom hosts that I never did, my modding consists of drivers or LEDs. Without the ability to make custom hosts it will just be another generic looking light with generic parts, I was never good at hosts, I wpuld love to do a contest that is constrained by a generic host but that wouldn't be as interesting as a lathed flashlight. Maybe one day we can make custom parts for the contest, like a twisting end for the S so we all build a light based on a custom part maybe? sorry just rambling

I really wanted to enter the “mod “ category this year but then have gotten sent out of town for work . Just my luck . Anyway , I can still enjoy following the threads !

I probably could build something and enjoy doing it, but I have neither the time, supplies nor tools to do anything this year.

Was I that bad. :person_facepalming:
There has been a lot of real nice lights made here that would’ve looked good in my collection. :laughing:

I have been thinking that a series of how-to guides could help to facilitate more modding. I think it would be a benefit to this forum in general if BLF members wrote more how-to guides.

3 Thanks

Would anyone care to bring attention to the contest over on r/flashlight? I don’t have an account there.

3 Thanks

I dont have reddit but its a good idea to give the challenge recognition.