I am wondering why there is no 2 x AA flashlight with Nichia 219B.
I think only Jaxman offer a model with one AA battery and that is all.
As a owner of Lumnitop IYP365 I am sure such light will become very popular.
it doesn’t have to be nichia 219b
rarely anyone makes 2xaa lights
Equally disappointed with AA/2*AA offerings, especially in the budget range of the market.
You could find 2AA in cool and swap the emitter? I upgraded my (now technologically ancient) Fenix LD20 XP-G R5 with a Nichia 219. If there’s been a reduction in the amount of lumens, it’s too small a difference for me to notice/care about.
When thinking of designing a 2 x AA, it’s well worth considering an 18650. 2 LiIon is always more unsafe than one, it won’t be much smaller than an 18650. So, the question is: Why?
Or just buy an 2 x AA and mod it. But then again. Why?
I think that most of the brand name 2xAA lights would be glued, so they’d be a pain to mod the emitter, so you’d be better off getting a cheaper, non-brand name 2xAA light and mod that.
The Ultrafire C3 is one that is an example: https://www.fasttech.com/products/1601/10000598/1057100
Jaxman just released the M2 but only with XM-L2 for now.
Maybe he likes the slimmer profile.
I mentioned this yesterday in a P60 thread:
The generic 50xC host is designed to take 3x CR123a cells, which is coincidentally, the same length as 2x AA-sized cells.
With a low voltage driver and a tube spacer it makes an excellent 2xAA light, with your choice of emitter in the drop-in. I’ve made a couple of these and the recipients still love them.
I was able to locate a poly tubing at Lowes which turned out to be the right size to insert in the battery tube to prevent rattle.
I prefer Ni-MH because they safe. I would live this lights in car, garage, baсement and will not think about them at least 6 - 9 months.
It is not Nichia, but the rest is just what I need.
I will order one. According Jaxman light can stand like candel which is good option.
Would LOVE a OD color!
Damn couldn’t help myself! :person_facepalming: Ordered 2 anyway!
Just can’t go wrong with a JAXman!!
I want one too!!
Cool looking light.
Jaxman told me no 14500 cells. I have 6 new purple efests that need a home.
I guess your going to mod this light. What do you have planned?
Yeah, I got a bunch too!!!
I think initially I’ll give the XP-L2 a try and I have plenty of Nichia’s too. I have a few 3v-2S 3.5 to 5.5 amp buck drivers, depending on what I can get away with in the driver cavity? Then I’ll run the 6v Gambit.
I like the 2AA form factor very much, and I certainly have noticed the Jaxman M2 as well…
I’ve been looking for a good 2 x AA to recommend to a non-flashlightaholic friend who doesn’t wont to mess with li-on cells, This Jaxman looks like a good choice.