I would also want a full scale computer app that lets me pick everything I want it to do.
Either by a menu system, or a script language, or just C code.
Ideally there would be a simulator on the computer too, acting just like the flashlight would, so you could test it out.
Maybe instead of USB you could have SPI bus type port to directly program the flash memory: 4 signals.
Maybe it has safety built in somehow so you could not accidentally put it in smoke/flame mode.
I’m tired of lights that do everything I want - but have ONE ANNOYING UI QUIRK.
starts on high,
starts in middle,
memory mode,
weird level steps,
low level not low enough,
long presses to do everything,
slow ramping,
dozens of levels - but you have to step through them all and back - just to go down one…
led indicators that don;t do anything useful,
work ok on li-ion, but not in nimh
on and on
4sevens sort of had that with the bluetooth quark or whatever it was
The only options I know of besides the drivers that you can flash are some of Nextorch’s lights, and lights with Lux-RC drivers like the Oveready B.O.S.S…
runs linux, browses the web, 1 button mouse, and a 1 pixel screen!
not really, i just get tired of nothing being what i want - in a flashlight…
bluetooth would be nice too though
i guess i should also require EDC size—at least for me
i saw those nextorches, they are too big, and some are apparently discontinued?
anyone ever try one?
also i think they just allow you to design your own sequence only of some predetermined functions
which would be good but still i want more
oh and it has to be cheap too
and small
what do i not care about? tint, not too picky about pattern, anodizing, knurling, threads, mineral glass, breathing dragon modes, over 500 lumens, usb recharge
It’s not just software (UI) that prevents some of this. There’s not always a lot of space on a driver board to put all the components necessary to enable all of these features. Cost is another factor.
The Emisar D4s has already pads for flashing on the head.
And you can use ToyKeeper FSM firmware or tinker with Andúril
Go for it http://tiny.cc/TKAnduril
Most lights are "really programmable". You just have to flash the controller with your code.
If you don't know how to do it you also will not be able to program it using another interface.
That’s the whole idea of using USB and dedicated app in my opinion. One doesn’t have to know anything about flashing the controller. If they know what output they would like to have or functions (strobe, etc.) it should be doable be choosing it in app by setting on/off options and values.
Like Manker Godmes but without bluetooth remote control - USB cable should be enough.
Now you need a USB port on the driver, as well as much more circuitry to interface with a computer, and flash the firmware itself.
Not as simple as flashing a firmware chip during production.
Also much more things that can go wrong, if the firmware gets bricked.
I do like that more and more lights give you a way to turn mode memory on/off. I find nothing more frustrating than mode memory.
I can deal with sub-optimal mode orders as long as I'm confident which mode is the starting mode.
I programmed my HDS 9 years ago and haven't messed with the programming since. It's totally cool to be able to set the light exactly the way you like, but if you can just buy a light that already has that UI, then there's no benefit to programming.
I don’t think you fully understand computer programming.
Every “option” your software has available is a chunk of very specific code that some programmer put together. A “programmable” light would either have set options to enable (strobe on/off etc) or would require you to essentially build custom firmware, something you can do already. These set options are available already in custom firmware for many lights and driver, they are just ever so slightly more difficult to connect then USB.
Perhaps an open source community software would allow many developers to add set “features” to a repository, but this is a rather small community and getting enough of the necissary folks together to reach minimum critical mass is very difficult.
It would be kind of cool if the USB charging port could also be used to upload new firmware. Why open up the driver so you can get a clip around the ATiny when you could just plug a USB cable into the charging port?
I suspect that might require a lot of custom circuitry and programming though.