First, I'm a gadget guy, and flashlights are just one of the gadgets I like to collect. Others are lighters, watches, and pretty much anything that can be considered a weapon.
Second, I think the attraction to flashlights is a primal thing wired into most men. It's the power of light conquering over darkness. In the land of darkness, the man with the flashlight is king.
Third, I feel every man should have 3 things on his person at all times - a flashlight, fire (lighter), and a knife. I just can't help collecting all 3! :)
Since the times where you could read Foyisms on a daily basis is long gone... Sir Foy, do you consider youreself cured? I think you still watch this hobby but at a general distance to calm the b@stard spirits who try to make you buy something you really not need.
its a fad for me im hope'n so anyway .....I like the less is more theary and buy'n a crap load a different flashlight s is a wasta $$$ if ya not happy when get to point sittin back lookin at'em and thinking just that " WTF " but its juz plain fun ind'it !!!
I can't now remember why, but about 7 years ago I was looking up lights.
Found CPF. Laughed at the folks who had a light for every possible need. Pointed friends at the same Other Place.
Most of them went "WTF?"
I dove in and have been enjoying myself, though not at the other Plaice for the last several years.
More fun than what earns my living. By a long way.
And it still is though my recent absence is the longest in more than 5 years.
For all that I loathe, hate and detest the Other Plaice, I learned a huge amount there and there are a huge number of wonderful people there - pity about the ones in charge. Here's hoping the good ones will show up here. Or its owner will wake up and smell the coffee. Not that this is probable.
I've not been near That Place in months.
And am cured of my lust for ludicrously overpriced titanium devices.
There are a lot more fun devices for about 0.05% of the cost that will perform better. When they work anyway.
Come on now, you know you EDC more than one flashlight at least some of the time. I always have at least two lights on my person (4-6 when camping), two knives (3-4 when camping), and sometimes two lighters (always 2-3 lighters when camping). And one of the knives has to be a multi-tool.
I am currently searching for a suitable arrangement, acceptable to my lovely, that will satisfy my fix. In the begining I thought simply not logging on to BLF was the answer.
Bought a radar detector, joined a forum for that and soon realized that all forums are not created equal. This was further driven home after I put my intransigent Z28 in the garage and purchased a sensible used Passat wagon.
Joined a Passat forum. meh (for the forum and the car)
Conclusion: although classic/muscle cars consume nearly every waking moment of my life, car forums will never be more than a place I go for information I need and; however facinating I find my Valentine One, I am baffled how anyone can amass 4,000 posts talking about a Whistler. It is not who I am.
This is who I am.
I used to wonder why people like Don would often go for weeks without a word on the forum. It is no longer a mystery to me. Remember that whack guy on CPF that blew 30 large in less than a year on all those custom lights? I'd like to think I wouldn't do that if I had the means.
I have been thinking lately I should stop buying lights. This was working fine for a few days. Then I bought 3 lights in 2 days. hmmmm...... I really do need to stop. Its not the money issue. I don't even know what I have. I also ask why? I started to think about how many lights does a person need?
1. A keychain light per set of keys
2. Headlamp
3. At least a large bright light with a balance of flood and throw
4. A few lights around the house in case of black outs. One in each bedroom, living room, bathroom, kitchen. You don't want to get caught without a light in easy reach
For me a flashlight is a tool more than a large hobby. I only have a few low cost lights. I am legally blind and I find them to be a tool that simply helps me to see. I get what I need or think I need rather than buying the newest light on the market. :)I do enjoy flashlights and I find them enjoyable and I do want to collect more when and if money will allow me to.....but I do not know the ins and outs of a true flashoholic.
If I could afford it . I would be a Gun a holic , Car a holic , Bike a holic , Bow a holic [ recurves ] 4x4 a holic , Warbird a holic , Stamp a holic , Sex a holic , Boat a holic , and anything else I felt Likeaholic .
But I can only afford being a Flashaholic and a Knifeaholic ATM ...