WildTrail WT90 - SBT90.2 1800m+ throw 90mm 3x 21700 With Texas_Ace driver

Mentioned already above somewhere - replaced the FET with a SIRA20DP and no glow, though did notice it glows after turning the light OFF, but it fades to completely no glow in a few seconds.

Lexel sticks with an Infineon (think different model than I use, not sure). And the SIR800DP is used on many lights as well, thinking this was from your recommendations.

I have been using/recommending the SIRA20DP probably since 2018. Here it dates back to May 2017: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/45831

Here's maybe my first post about them in Oct 2017: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/46241/1032

I do get excited by a new good spec FET