Winter has arrived! Starting the season off with a bang (30+cm)

This weekend we had a decent winter storm roll through, dumping between 20-40cm (8-16 inches) of snow across the Canadian prairies.

I took a before and after pic of our backyard to show how quickly winter can arrive.

On a flashlight related note, I prefer NW and warmer tints because I have to use them in snowy environments. CW tints are too harsh on the eyes in the snowy outdoors

Anyone else get a good dump of snow recently?

Weeks ago... it has melted already. Then came more snow and it's again around 0'C

NW is much better with snow... and without snow too

I need to move out there, I’m praying for heavy snow this year, then me and the landcruiser can go playing. 8)

As an Australian who loves snowboarding I am incredibly jealous. I'd love to not have to drive 16+hrs for crappy snow, or fly internationally for a decent 3 or 4 week session.

Bring on the Teton's in a few years

EDIT: Oh and your comment about the tint of your lights is spot on. When my friends and I ride in Australia we camp back country, and often ride around our camp site at dusk/night. I built a set of LED powered floodlights 2 years ago (it's what got me into the flashlight 'game' lol) and discovered very quickly that anything other than neutral or high CRI was HORRIBLE for depth perception in a predominantly white setting. My floodies are being worked on again now, with a healthy does of 219's being added into the mix.

Some people who ask me to buy them headlamps etc. from web are having same issues with snowy environments.

They tend to say “it is so powerful, that I just need to step it down (150lm)”.
I have told, that it could probably be better option to get it modded to NW…

Nice ultra wide picture. A 8mm fisheye ?

Nope! Iphone 5 panorama feature :slight_smile:

Fully agree with everyone on the NW+winter. And yes, all around, every season it is the best tint. I am on a mission to swap all of my LED’s over to NW…still trying to decide what light my very first Nichia 219 will go into :smiley:

I was thinking of trying a Xeno E03 warm tint to see the difference it made when everything is covered in snow.

Where are you located and how cold is it compared to summer?

Red dot is where I live.

In summer we have usually 15-30'C (depending weather of course), winter time it is same but minus degrees (sometimes even colder, usually New Years time / January is coldest... can be -35-40 'C).

I’m pretty jealous, still haven’t gotten any in Wisconsin, USA. I wish they could’ve moved that snow from the hurricane in the NE over here!

It’s kinda funny, my dad bought a plow with truck before last season, in order to make some extra cash. But we had a very warm winter last year with not much snow, maybe like a foot total the whole year. He’s the only adult I know that wants snow in winter.

Beautiful place where you live Mizjif

Thanks AlexGT!

And M3TAL_L0RD, that sounds exactly like our summers and winters here. +40c to –40c, we get both of the extremes.

Now that’s what I call cooling Finns!