Sir your thread title lacks the refinement we are accustomed to. :face_with_monocle:

Yes, please clean up the title…

Don’t worry about it mate it’s just a for sale thread with a little difference like you wanted to sell your car but kept it in the garage , fetch it outside put some banners on it stick it on the main road and you will have a better chance of selling it.

I take it you are interested in my sale thread? do you want my PayPal address or bank details do we have a sale?.

Mods if you feel my title should not look the way it is then please feel free to edit it.

I don't think anyone that has posted so far is interested in the sale, they are just commenting on your "banner". The reason they (and I) felt the need to comment is because of how BLF is moderated/run, we do not have a team of moderators, we have one, who also runs the website itself and manages the technical side of things, because of that we like to self-moderate. As a general rule if multiple people on BLF think that something is out of place, it probably is...

Ok I understand and I don’t wish to upset anyone here so removed the ▀▄▀▄▀▄ BARGAIN ▄▀▄▀▄▀ banner if people thinks it looks out of place I thought it was a little different being creative.

Thanks, much appreciated.
Good luck with your sale!

Anyone want to make me a realistic offer ?
I also have some other accessories I can throw in to sweeten the deal as in genuine Maglite leds from the deep rebel Maglite and a few new reflectors and other bits and bobs 1D - 1aa adaptors etc and so on.

High dollar flashlight sales have been tough around here lately - especially Mag mods. A bump for good luck.

Many thanks and someone is going to get a bargain at much less than cost price.

Maglites has been around for a long time and should be around for a while yet , it’s a great flashlight built to last not the cheapo Chinese tat companies are selling now.

Offers for the lot ?

Anyone want 3x deep rebel heatsinks and a standard mag D cell heatsink and 2x XML -U2 LEDs £25 inc ?

I will keep the 2x maglites they are always handy to throw in the car and house