Would this flashlight be considered illegal in my state of CA?

reason so is because of how it extends. for this reason, now this flashlight is very similiar to one of those extendable batons which is illegal in California.

i know, i could have just bought one of those flashlight sticks/batons that dont extend, but i found this to be too cool hahah

o’well, i purchased it anyways

It probably is, so I think you should take it down and check with your local police I’m sure they will not confiscate it and use it themselves. :cowboy_hat_face:

It's a billy club with a light. Legal or not, be prepared to attract the scrutiny of the local PD.

Yeah don’t carry that, its not worth it. Police are ridiculous in many cities there, they will charge you for small wooden sticks as “billyclubs” and in CA thats a felony…its “better” to carrying a loaded gun than a stick, the way they wrote the laws.

Plus who knows what your going to get, its $16 plus it lists a “Luxeon 3” but also a CREE Q5. Regardless I’d say its not worth it.

i will just keep it at home then. maybe by the front or back yard door.

I thought the baton ban had to do with the kind that extended itself, not the kind that could be swung into the open position. Either way... [quote=B42] Yeah don't carry that, its not worth it. Police are ridiculous in many cities there, they will charge you for small wooden sticks as "billyclubs" and in CA thats a felony...its "better" to carrying a loaded gun than a stick, the way they wrote the laws. [/quote]

I'm not sure about the exact rule, but this is correct. I think it exists to suppress activism, at least that's the way it's used now.

Go up to a cop, flick it open near his crotch, and ask… J) You should get a definitive answer (and probably a demonstration of its effectiveness) in short order…

if that was illegal you should try this UniqueFire UF-T18 :bigsmile:
maybe you’ll get 2 star based on GTA games :bigsmile:

I think that $16.69 is also much cheaper than other sites.

well, ill at least let you guys know what i think about the light when it arrives. im hoping its at least 200 lumens haha

Give CA awhile and a mere flashight over 1000 lumens will be illegal. No extendable baton handles needed.

Wait till someone uses one to dazzle a victim during a mugging! :smiley:


Everything is illegal in California.
Time to get out of that liberal utopia experiment before it becomes Michigan.

Only problem with that approach is, you won't just wake up outside the hospital with a small amount of cash deducted.

Sadly, either way when a hospital is involved it won’t be a small amount …

This one fits the legal description of an expandable baton. The textured head just says I’m really using poor judgement, stop me and arrest. Look at its price then add jail time lost wages, criminal record and lawyer fees.