Hey guys…new to this forum and looking to grab some 18650`s. I`ve been reading through all the sections and can`t find any posts on where the go to place is for LEGIT 18650`s.
If anyone has some leads , sites or a horde they would part out please inbox me.
I`m from Canada but have a PO Box just across the border , no issues with ordering from China and as per my OP , I`m interested in quality cells Samsung , LG or perhaps a recommended ``other`` brand.
I use Li-Ion
Soshine ICR14500 3.7v 900mA 2.7a.
Soshine (Black) 26650 4200mAh (Protected)15.54Wh. Cont Discharge 8a. cutoff 2.8v.
Soshine (Black) 26650 5500mAh Protected.20.35Wh. Cont 4a Cutoff 2.8v
They both work on and fit in both Convoy L6 and L2 fine
Either Pana ICR18650B cells or
Sanyo 18650 30Q cells. for 90% of other torches.
ALL from Bangood or Kaikodomain. ALL good, plus I think ALL genuine?.
ALL from China and ALL take 28 to 32 days del. Everything from there does
To here.
Plus a coupla long term KODAK Camera Ni-Cad cells.
Both are US retailers. Both ship to Canada USPS (much less likely to incur duties/taxes) Both good prices (better than anywhere in Canada). Genuine brand name cells.
These US retailers are often recommended here for authentic cells, and I assume can ship to a PO Box. I’ve ordered from the first two and have been very happy. Illumn Mountain Electronics LiIon Wholesale Orbtronic