WTB Benchmade 211 Activator

Lost mine this weekend. Gutted. Anyone selling one?

So no one has one to sell and they’re discontinued. Sigh. Not up to date on what’s comparable. What should I consider?

How about the RAT RC-3


Good luck with your search, have you tried asking in BST on any of the knifeforums, Bladeforums, Knifetalk? Maybe you can get someone to sell you an activator

Thanks Alex. I’m not on those forums yet. Might have to join a few. Thanks,

That’s a big loss. I’ve had 210 & 211 and love them! If you haven’t found a replacement, I highly recommend Benchmade’s Hidden Canyon Hunter. It’s a little larger but similar. It’s narrow and feels great in the hand. Lately I grab that or a Busse Maxwarden for edc belt knife.

Kick me while I’m down, sigh… Been looking at the Hidden Canyon. It’s a contender for sure. Thx

Not at all, commiserating.
Oh and it just hit me, Gersh blades just released a bunch of small fixed blades in much loved M4 and the new Magnacut steels.
Try this on for size

Very nice! You have great taste!