WTB DQG Tiny III 18650

Found one! Thanks everyone!

No offence, but, really you registered and made this first post?

What’s the problem? Is there a forum rule stating a new user can’t post in the WTB section of the forum for their first post?

Really? You felt your reply was necessary?

I said no offence! And by the way, before you buy a dqg, think twice :wink:

let the berrys jingle all the way :bigsmile:

Why? I have one of the Tiny 18650 III’s and it is awesome… The poster is just trying to buy a light… If you are having to say no offense when you are posting something, generally that means it can be taken offensively… So re word it…


Only place still listing it and it is out of stock is GEARBEST , maybe just hassle the contact about when this will be back in stock. It is an excellent light for me, I was thinking I should have bought a couple of more when they were out…

If I were to backpack, two of these would weigh little more than a regular light and one battery, yet do most of what I need… no need for spares, kind of a New York Reload for lightweight lights…

Nuts, I should have gotten more…

I hope someone can help the OP and perhaps we will see them in stock again, as well….

Found one! Thanks everyone!

Are they in stock somewhere or did you find a private sale?

Any others available?

I’ve got half a dozen DQG lights, and only one works properly, so I’d have to go with koyotee on this one.
(to be fair, 3 of those were the very first gen 18650 twistys that had design issues.)

Sure, I had read on the Twisty version not doing so well, but the Tiny III 18650 clicky had almost no negative reports from what I saw. Mine is running like a champ and fills an EDC role for long runtimes for its size.

Once burnt, twice shy, I guess. I’ve been burnt too many times by their QA to trust them again.
Oh, I forgot. The one AAA I do have that works came with a chip in the backside of the TIR lens.

So do you have one of the Tiny 18650 III CLICKY models…?

I mean, come on, there are no practice runs in your life… everything comes out perfect the first time? If you have been burned more than twice, why? I will bet it is chasing the features that DQG has that no other has for size or what not…

From what I understand of your postings, one of six lights work for you that you got from DQG, and the one that works has a chip in the TIR lens….

Nope, I eventually gave up on them. I loved their designs, I just couldn’t justify buying from them again.
Obviously, it could just be my incredibly bad luck that I keep getting duds, but it’s enough for me to call it quits and give someone else a chance.

Isn’t that the point of prototyping and QA? It shouldn’t take 3 PRODUCTION runs to get a reliable, working light.

Note that the whole thing started with me just agreeing that a new user should think twice before buying DQG. I’m not saying that particular model is bad, just that I don’t trust their QA process anymore.

Right, I am not disparaging your experience either, glad you did not take it as that… Perhaps DQG has hit a sweet spot with the III Clicky in 18650… I only had the Fairy as my other DQG light and it was flawless, but I did not have a use for it. It was re homed to someone else…

I truly wish I had bought more of the III Clicky’s when they were available…. I did not have any of the other DQG lights to compare to… I do not think that evolution in design will culminate in DQG offering a single light for the rest of the time they are in existence… part of what I like is their pushing of the limits… Invariably, there will be issues…

Well you have to remember devman paid alot more money for his than you probably did if you got yours from banggood or gearbest .. at those discounted prices the lights became much more attractive ..it's easier to get feeling burnt if you paid full tilt boogie ..At almost half off these lights were /are imo a dang deal .i wish I'd grabbed a few more models when they were available .

Yep, the features are what brings them to the table. I just wish they ran some more testing and QA on their end before releasing to the public.

Anyways, sorry about the extended digression, jingleberry. Glad you found what you were looking for!

In case anyone is interested Gearbest has the NW back in stock and just told me it is the Gen3

(DQG Tiny Ⅲ Compact Cree XM L2 Waterproof EDC LED Flashlight – NEUTRAL WHITE LIGHT)



Beam0 (question) 11/26/2015 - 01:07

Hello, is this flashlight the newest 4th edition with black switch button or is it III edition with silver switch button?


DQG 4th Tiny?
DQG 3rd Tiny?


gearbest (answer) 11/26/2015 - 01:11

DQG 3rd Tiny

Any major difference between Tiny 3 and Tiny 4?
BG has Tiny 4 while GB has Tiny 3

Any coupon for GB DQG 18650 III?

I’m trying to figure that out as well. Its suppose to be an improved version, so far I know it a new UI and the switch is different, I believe there were some reports on the v3 of frequent accidental pocket activation, I think the new switch design was to address that issue. And there also is a black color version now.

I agree with the OP on the tail knurling, I also like the more knurling.

From DQG website::
New version! (4th 2015-10-15) is come out, hard anodized, very nice color and hardness (along come with classic black version). D.Q.G Tiny 18650 also is the world smallest 18650 flashlight using single 18650 Li-ion battery, only 86-91mm in length, and 22-24.5mm in diameter.

v4 UI:
DQG show a new different UI (new program):
(from DQG website)

Side clicks (new program):

Single click low, double clicks middle, three clicks high, and hold on for 1S to reach turbo mode from standby;

After on, hold on to change output level, low/middle/high in turn, double click to get turbo, maintain 1min or just single click return origin level; single click to shutdown light.

v3 UI:
(from GearBest listing):
1.Direct Turbo mode: With the light off, long press to turn on the Turbo mode

2.With the light on, click the button to change brightness levels (high mid - low), memorizes mode automatically. Double click to switch on the Turbo mode-

v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v

EDIT: Gearbest description of UI for v3 is incorrect, here’s the real UI (See ReManG’s post below)

V3 UI: (From ReManG)

From OFF
single click to low, double click to med, triple click to high. No access to turbo from off

From ON
Double click to cycle up through modes, press and hold for turbo from any mode. Single click to OFF from anywhere.

Double click to OFF, or single click to previous mode.