Wtb; ** found ** a nichia 219a hcri drop in for a solarforce L2D.

Hello BLF folks!,…
I’m Looking for a nichia 219a HCRI 92+ drop in for a 2014 solarforce front and rear switch host.
200 lumens at most.

Has to be the pinky hcri A nichia!.

new or used and shipped to London if you could please.
thanks kindly.

Try this:

It’s the newer 219B but same K and CRI. But more lumens and lower vf so better performance. I have it in a Solarforce L2M and it’s brilliant.

I have an older 219A Nichia in a Convoy C8 and I honestly can’t really see much difference if any by eye, only that the 219B is brighter.

The 219b has less of the rosey reddish hue of the 219a.

The 219b is the nicest high cri tint.

The 219a in 92 cri is available at illuminationsupply.com

This is your best bet. Someone here could easily build you one, but that price is really hard to beat, and the build quality is excellent.

Thanks everyone
Is it free shipping to the uk right?.
Am I doing that bit right?.
Total is 16 something dollars.

shipping is a flat $2

Nope, should be free to the UK from the link I listed.

That's the solarforce sales shop, not intl.outdoor.. intl outdoor is usually free except for some really small stuff. (At least in the past)

Hmm then it’s different for USA or I must be using the wrong shipping option. I’ve always paid $2.

Edit: $2 is for a tracking number, which I always do

Thanks everyone
Ordered 219b from int outdoor and the host from flashaholics.


By the way,- how long does shipping usually take from them to London?.

Depends really. Normally I count on 2-4 weeks, as once it leaves the seller, they don’t really have any control over it.

I think January can be a slower time due to holidays in China though.

I ordered an XP-L p60 from them on 23rd Dec and it arrived with me in the UK on the 12th Jan.

I ordered some optics on Christmas day and got them yesterday in usa

Thanks .
I got a shipping notice earlier.