[WTB] FW1AA -Anyone have a FW1AA they wanna sell?

Ive been bitten by the AA/14500 bug, but Im having trouble finding a FW1AA. Anyone want to sell one? Or know where I can purchase one? Been looking everywhere but have had no luck. Please let me know. Thanks!


I have a copper one or a blue aluminum one which do you want have all the boxes and paper work too. let me know

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Note that’s not the discontinued FW1AA, it links to an FWAA which is still available.

Lumintop seemed to stop producing these almost immediately, even after getting tons of positive reviews for this mini “thrower”.

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Sorry mine are the FWAA not the FW1AA

Thanks guys. I already have the FWAA, need to add a FW1AA to the collection. Hopefully I can find someone who wants to parts with theirs.

Not really helping the thread, but I call second dibs once OP gets theirs and another shows up.

I want an FW1AA too, to round out my collection of the original range of aluminum FW lights.

I hope Wurkkos steps in and makes a single emitter TS10…

It’s a shame Lumintop is discontinuing the FW series. They are doing another batch of FW21 so maybe there is hope for lights like the FW1AA.

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Could be done pretty easily by raiding the parts bin, the TS10 would work fine with ther bezel of the SP10 and a smooth reflector. Could even have AUX if using particularly small emitters.

EDIT: Took a few measurements, checked some things, and it looks like the SP10 (OP) or Convoy T2 (SMO) reflector and an SP10 pcb would work to make a single emitter TS10-based alternative of the TS10.
The only thing missing is an emitter that can take the current of being directly-driven.
Maybe W2 or XP-L HI.

Just picked up a TS10 from Amazon. Black, 4k, with Red aux. My first light with auxiliaries. The anodizing comes off pretty easy, its definitely not type 3 hard anodizing but for the price its a cool light. Im just a big fan of the FW series. Already got a FW3A SST20, FW1A Cree XP-L, Black FW3A CW, and the FWAA Nichia. Got rid of the FW1A Pro. Their anodizing is much more durable than the Wukkos. I hope by the grace of the flashlight God a FW1AA will magically appear somewhere. Im willing to pay a premium for one.

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