Just what the title says. This is a gift and I need this light as simple as it comes, and it has to look like new. I need it for a birthday present before the 29th. It needs to be an all aluminum light with a single mode, and I prefer the switch to be mechanical.
That’s a tall order, I think! Do you know of any examples?
You might have to go to your local sporting goods store and find what you like.
That way you can see it, feel it, try it, and get a warrantee.
Yeah there’s this- that I know of.
I’ll order it tomorrow night if I can’t get someone in the US with one. I’ve tried illumn and mtnelectronics but they don’t carry these sorts of lights. Home depot has quite a few but they just carry huge plastic monstrosities. I want a high quality body, but without the bells and whistles that the premium lights have.
Understandable, thanks for the link! Does it need to be AA?
Don’t people sometimes use the same strap your link shows with a normal non-right-angle flashlight? I don’t know if that’s acceptable for your recipient’s application or not. If it was acceptable you might have better luck getting your hands on the strap by itself. IIRC it’s available from several sources, although I don’t know of any US sources.
EDIT: FWIW here is one version of the headband in question at FT: https://www.fasttech.com/product/1258004
Yeah I was looking for it to be a headlamp. I understand there are plenty of ways to adapt a flashlight to a headband but I was looking for something that looked like a headlamp. And plus it’s Fasttech. My last Fasttech order took nearly 2 months to arrive. I’m done with them.
Have one you linked, PM sent.
can only suggest modifying this search, if there’s one there the pictures ought to identify it:
Southland hooked me up with exactly what I was looking for. Thanks everyone.