WTB n-light b3


I’ve been searching everywhere for this light-actually first learned about the light on this forum.

Havent had any luck for quite some time, so just thought I’d give it a shot-and maybe my prayers will be answered!

If you have one for sale, please PM :slight_smile:


You could buy this.


That's what I was thinking at first.

But both that and the following state "NEXT Batch will come back on Mid June."


Plus, neither will add to the cart. :_(

Dang ! You might have to settle for something else then!

Yep, I’ve been stalking that site for several months…but I plan to add it to a new Skinth for my loadout. Need to make it fresh!! :slight_smile:

NEXT Batch will come back on Mid June.”<< pretty sure this was last summer ...Don't hold your breath

Really just looking to buy one still. I don’t mind if it has “gained value” since purchased :wink:

If you’ve got one to get rid of, please let me know!

Found one! Thanks :slight_smile: