WTB: UniqueFire M2 tailcap (regular not pressure switch)

Like the title reads I have a UniqueFire M2 that has a tail cap failure. Does anyone know where I can get one? I/m not familiar with the configuration as I am just learning all the ins and outs. If you guys can suggest a comparable tail cap please reply so I can get my flashlight up & running!

Seems to be P60 standart light. Have you tried solarforce tailcaps?

That flashlight uses a P60, but the body threads are not Solarforce/Surefire compatible. You’re going to have to replace the actual switch inside the tail cap. Check Mountain Electronics:

I bought this switch to see if if works:


I bought this as well to see if I can turn my pressure switch into a regular tail switch.

tail switch

the above switch worked.

I also checked my Banggood acct & found I originally ordered: UltraFire WF-501B/501N LED Flashlight Pressure Switch.

I know the threads are the same but they dont carry that pressure switch anymore. At least I found out what it takes for next time. Also, as others have stated, its a p60 drop in. I am happy with the light again. It nice to get a flash light that is just sitting around back into commission! Thanks for the help everyone.