Hello Everyone, Looking to buy a Zebralight SC62W. Located in the U.S. Thanks for reading this.
Just a little background, my wife does not want any unprotected cells in the house as we have two kids with special needs (as well as safety in general) and I respect her enough, and care about her and my children enough, to respect her opinion. I really want a Zebralight and this is essentially the last one that can handle protected cells. Thanks for reading.
But, I have SC62 and SC62w now… The tint is really good. I didn’t know there were ever XM-L2 with good tints…
Zebralight used to (maybe still do) sell a protected 3500mAh cell that they made their own protection circuit for, and it was very short compared to most. Perhaps check if that fits some of the later lights, like SC64 versions?
Cool. I’ll look for other variants as well. I thought they were all as equally difficult and to be honest I am not a huge tint-snob (no offense to anyone). It’s more just my preferred tint. The model and the ability to handle protected cells is more important.
I’m not positive, but from what I have read on other forums the SC64 requires a high drain battery which a protected cell cannot provide. The protected cell they still carry is “Compatible with: All generations of H600/H60x”. The good news there is that many of them are still being produced so that is a possible direction if my search for the SC62 becomes futile. Thanks for pointing me in the direction that led to that discovery.
I looked into it a bit, since that made me curious. They don’t need more than a handful of amps from the battery, and quality protected cells can usually provide 8 to 10, so more than enough there. The issue really is length - the 64 series is indeed shorter than the already-tiny 62 series. And the ZL18650 is still around 67mm (my example is 66.5), so it probably doesn’t work there.