add 5$ for shipping, discount for multiple. paypal FF no notes or add 3% for g/s
all are in good shape with minimal if any wear, mostly just sat on a shelf.
USA only, shipping from NY
30 D4V2 sst20/5000k w/ 18350 tube
25 SP36BLF LH351 5000k
20 Astrolux ec03 xhp50 (has tailspring bypass)
20 Brinyte E18 w/ battery,box,accesories
18 sofirn sc32 sst40 (kit w/battery)
15 IF25A sst20 4000k
15 Wurkkos HD20 (2 channel headlamp)
15 Wurkkos TD02 sst40 (kit w/ battery)
10 Sofirn SP10V3
10 Wurkkos WK03 sst40 kit w/battery
10 convoy s21a orange 519a 3500k
8 Wurkkos TS11 sft40 -not button led version (slight black dot on led not really noticed in use and missing 1 aux led)
7 Convoy S21B XHP50 5k , diver issue (stops changing modes,time/removing battery and it works again)