I have for sale this Brand New/Never Used Emisar D4 with the Quad Nichia 219c 5000k 90+ CRI Neutral White Emitter and Smooth Grey Color body. It comes with Pocket Clip and spare O rings. $38 to your door. Thanks.
Not to keep you from selling your D4. I love them by the way. I have a green one. I would gladly buy yours. Just a few things. I can order one from Mountain for $44 dollars shipped here in 5 days or so. You also just made an account today and your only post is one for sale. Unfortunately I will have to pass. Good luck on selling your light. Great light that will make someone very happy. Take care and welcome to BLF.
Thanks for the welcome. Yes I do realize I’m new to joining here, but have been a long time lurker and have learned a great many things from you fine folks! Thanks for your advice, I will see what happens and adjust the price accordingly. It really is a great little light!
What the heck!..I will take it for $38.00 - Payment sent
Back up if deal falls through
SOLD Thanks Joseph!
Received the Emisar D4 this morning and all I can say is, WOW!…This little light is amazing!…I can’t wait until dark to walk the dog :laughing:
Thanks again Bill for the quick shipping and great deal :+1: