WTS:Lumintop, Jetbeam, Wuben, BLF. **ALL SOLD**

I am going to try and re-home a few lights to fund a new light and send a few onto new homes, as I never really use them. They sit on the shelf collecting dust and I would like to see them put to good use. I think the prices are fair. I researched prices and even took into consideration all the coupons available for these lights. If you think I am out of line on a light, please let me know and we can work it out. First PM gets it.

*SOLD*Lumintop SD26. Includes Box and accy’s. Small nick in tail cap and one on the bezel. $30

*SOLD*Lumintop SDMini. XP-L Hi version. Includes box and accy’s as well as a Lumintop branded 3400mah protected 18650. $25

*SOLD*Wuben TO46R. Includes box and accys as well as a Wuben branded 2600mah protected 18650. Has DC-Fix on lens but I can remove it if you like. $20

*SOLD*BLF A6 3D tint. Includes box and accy’s. $15 Add it to another light and I’ll make it $10 to save me some shipping cost.

*SOLD*Jetbeam T6. Includes box and accy’s. Like new. Button tops only on this one. It’s picky about cells. The longer the better for this one. Jetbeam made the battery tubes a bit long and a bit fat. Short skinny cells will rattle in it. I would suggest an extra wrap put on a cell if needed or maybe a wrap or two of clear tape. I used MJ1’s in it for a few weeks. I also ran some protected cells in it as well and it really like the extra length. Other than that it hasn’t really been used. I bought it used and it looked like brand new when I got it and still does. $80 I will consider any interesting trades. Looking at maybe a Jetbeam TH20 or something similar. I am a sucker for copper, brass, and Ti lights as well.

I know it’s a stretch but if you want them all I will make you a smoking good deal. All prices include shipping.

PM sent

I’d be interested in the Wuben TO46R and the blf a6 If still availible.

PM sent for SDMini and BLF A6

what color is the side emitter on the SDMini?


No side emitter but I have one and it’s nice.

What tint sd26 please. Pm sent

All PM’s replied to.


Not Sure What I’m doin, but I’ll take sd26.

PM’s sent joker and Dipstix.

SDmini and Jetbeam T6 still available. PM me for a great deal if you take both.

*** SD Mini SOLD ***

Thanks Todd for that last minute dash to the Post Office. I’m really looking forward to the light. Replacing my failed Nitecore MH23 (sigh).

Joker145, I think you will be pleased with it. I’m a monster runtime fanatic and really enjoy the huge time advantage compared to 18650 lights.

So Todd, I give you my thanks and congratulations on your sales! Glad it worked out, and I really appreciate that bonus short tube that you found! Now I just have to hunt down some 18350 cells, I can use them in my Astrolux S41s, which I only use the long tube with...



Thank you. I have a S41S as well and it’s the only light I have that I use a 18350 in. I don’t know why I never used them in the A6’s.

Thanks again.

Everything is gone except the Jetbeam T6. I will also consider any trades. I was looking for a Jetbeam TH20 or something similar. I think I saw the Klarus XT11X has the features I was looking for as well. Something along those lines. I guess what some would call a tactical light. I hate that name. Some of my gun buddies think it’s a noun they use it so much. I am also a sucker for copper, brass, or Ti lights as well. I like the small well built 16340 lights too. Anyway, I am open to just about anything.

yea, I totally agree with you on that.i cant wait.

receive my sd26,thank you

Excellent. Hope it found you well my friend. I was going to message you before I went to bed to make sure you received it.

The wuben and a6 arrived the other day. Thanks for the great deal on the nice lights.