I have a very low used Lumintop ED25 AAx2 purchased in the recent BLF GB.
its still great looking and works as new!.
comes with all the bits, no box.
good light-surplus to what i needed it for.
I’m only looking for my postal costs to be covered, and thats it.
first to take it on here, gets it!.
will ship within a day.
royal mail.
hahahaha received a package today
in a sturdy envelope branded “HARVEY MARIA” and an La Poste plastic envelope around it.
Opened it up. a simple quartz watch with leather band.
This i had not ordered, so puzzled.
Looking better, a little baggie with orings and rubber tail boot.
This was strange, I could’t figure it out.
Butthen I placed the watch back and it fell through,the envelope was not closed on the taped side.
SO I figured the post service has mixed the content of two things up.
Somewhere somebody is staring at a Lumintop flashlight
mayb he/she get caught in the hobby ans becomes a member here