KawiBoy1428 was the only one so far who asked about the 26500. Does anybody else want those? They are a weird size, I know. They will fit in a “C” Maglite, if you bore out the tube a little for the width. You can do that with sandpaper. They should also fit in 3xAA lights, though I know those are rare.
Sounds fair, PM’d
If mattlward declines the 26350s and I get those, I will add the 2x 26500s to my shipment.
Okay, I will let you know.
Okay, mattlward claimed all four of the 26350’s, pending payment. Ozythemandias has claimed the 10440, 14500, 16340, 18350 and 18500, pending payment.
Still waiting to hear back from Speed4goal now.
It seems that the 2x26650 are available again. I will take them if they are. Thanks.
just in case the 5 souls faster on the draw for the 26350 bail.
ive got dibs
I will bat cleanup and take everything that is left, if there is anything?
Okay, I got a PM from Speed4goal, who will be taking the 26650’s and the Eneloop Pro AA’s. Now, the only cells not spoken for are the 26500’s. So carmantl, if you want those you can have them for $3.00 each plus actual shipping.
Ok, I will take them, PM incoming
Got my stuff, thanks!
You’re welcome. :+1:
Mine are in as well! Thanks David.