Wurkkos TD05

Hello everyone. Here’s my review on Wurkkos TD05 & Comparison with TD03, FC12 & Fenix PD36R V2. Thanks for a good place to share content. Please subscribe to my channel :blush::pray:.

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That looks very much like the Aplos T02.

It’s exactly the T02 except for the branding. All of them (Sofirn, Wurkkos, Aplos) are under the umbrella of Jinba Technology Shenzen.

Unfortunately the threading is different from Sofirn’s and Wurkkos’ other 18650 tubes - which means no “lego-ing” is possible. Not a dealbreaker, but that was one of my favourite “features” of these brands, being able to interchange the short and long tubes. And it’s not merely an aesthetic thing, sometimes different tubes can change the carry-able factor of a light, or allow pocket clips on a model that doesn’t have it (TS11 for example). Like I said, not a dealbreaker, but I sorely miss that ‘feature’ on my Aplos T02.

Other than that, an excellent flashlight with very good regulation:

Not exactly the same, as the T02 has a colder 6500k SFT40 - not 5000k.

I know they’re from the same factory, I just thought it strange they apparently haven’t done anything more than the slightly warmer emitter and branding changes.

(I assume they’ve kept the decent driver in it and haven’t played with that?)

I’ve got an 5000k SFT40 that I’m going to swap into an Aplos T02 - pity this wasn’t released a month or two back!

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