Hey could anyone help me find a replacement lens for the ts25
Not sure what happened. My wife says she didn’t drop it and she only noticed when it cut her finger.
The remainder of the lens crumbled once I removed the bezel or else I’d measure
The extra millimetre in thickness shouldn’t be much of a problem, it’ll just make the light a millimetre longer. The gap between the fins and the bezel doesn’t really become obvious till it is unscrewed maybe 3mm.
Yes the reddit was about the optics, but suppose the lens could be equivalent.
I sent message to wurkkos yesterday but I haven’t heard back yet. Either way seems it’s going to take a month to get a replacement lens.
Sadly, it wears to be a pretty unique size which is always a bit unfortunate.
Actually, it is pretty close to the front diameter of a P60 dropin based light. Time to dig out the Bag of 200 Lights and see if any of them will fit. Nope, they are 30mm or so in diameter.
Edited to fix sticking key trouble. The dog’s been drooling on my keyboard again.
The D4V2 glass works just fine. It is less than a mm different in diameter and double thick. The s21d optic + the D4V2 lens is a little thick but you can use the stock o-Ring. A D4V2 o-ring is slightly thinner. It depends on how wet you plan on getting it, but it seems to be just fine.