Wurkkos TS30S + monster LED SBT90.2 = $60 4750lm 1km SUPER-Thrower. Comparison w/ TS30S Pro & world's brightest single LED light NW Valkyrie, and NOW! *Firefly T9R w/ FFL909MX*. (Summary & measurements on P. 1)

PLEASE NOTE: Data will be updated several times as I learn more things from people in this forum :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:, buy more lights, make more measurements, and make less mistakes. Pls expect changes. The thread started with Olight M2R Pro when I was new to flash lights, but those lights got recalled, and now it’s more about comparison of throwers.

Long story short: My wife and I take evening walks on an unlit coastline trail and need a flashlight for safety. I had first looked at headlamps, one thing led to another found myself at Budgetlight and now have Emisar Nichia 219b and Convoy 519a coming LOL :person_facepalming: . But for me these lights are “toys,” exceedingly fun around the house not as useful as these 21700 throwers for use as a walk light.

I initially got the Olight M2R Pro because of its excellent review and popularity, then Nitecore MH12S and Sofirn IF22a. Still wasn’t happy with brightness (I want something that blows me and friends away), AND the slippery slope of this hobby has led me to order yet another light I don’t really need, Wurkkos TS30S with the extremely potent Luminus SBT90.2 LED. It was on sale for a mere 60 bucks and as usual it’s the LED that intrigues me, so I clicked. The Luminus SBT90.2 is one of the most expensive LED’s I’ve seen, selling by Convoy for around $30, for just the LED. As night fell the first day that I got the Wurkkos, I immediately realized that it is an absolute monster, lighting up everything in its path as if it were a lighthouse. The Wurkkos ends up making the list of 4 Lights I would buy were I to start from beginning :slight_smile: Click HERE

These 4 lights have been reviewed extensively in this forum as well as great review sites like 1lumen and zeroair, so this thread is mostly a comparison of strengths and weaknesses I’ve noted in daily use. All pictures are taken in RAW format with Canon DSLR, fixed WB 5000k. Exposure controlled to best illustrate a point I’m trying to show. I’m a fairly hardcore shutterbug and color “sensitive,” with a bias towards warm tone in adjusting WB of my travel/scenic pictures, even before I discovered Budgetlight.

I’m adding an index of the interesting or fun posts that I’ve wasted the most amount of time on :person_facepalming: :slight_smile: . Hope it helps for anyone looking to waste time reading about flashlight.

* 4 Lights I would buy were I to start from beginning Click HERE

* Summary of the lights reviewed in this thread Click HERE

* Anti Reflective Coated Lens for ~4% Gain (3% confirmed w/ Texas Ace Lumen Tube) HERE and HERE

* HUGE ~15% brightness gain with Samsung 40T over Wurkkos batteries HERE

* Beamshot comparison TS30S vs other throwers HERE

* How to check which kind of tint your AR lens has HERE

* Nice Discussion of Flashlight’s Driver Discussion Here

* Nice Discussion of Reflector and effects on Hotspot, Corona, Spill Here

* Toykeeper made an appearance and discussed Mach band Here

SUMMARY Of my most favorite flashlights in this thread - more summary of other lights in post #2 below.
Some pro’s and con’s of each light, all IMvHO. Please expect changes as I buy more lights, learn more things, and make less mistakes. The more interesting lights go first.

Wurkkos TS30S w/ SBT90.2 ~$60 when on sale
In some hobbies, car, photography, stereo, etc., once in a while a product, whether by luck (kidding) or by talent, hits that magical perfection level. This humble $60 light is such a unicorn and has proven to be a FORMIDABLE competitor to all the newer lights in my collection. The Wurkkos rocks my Opple meter by clocking 1 km throw (holy macaroni). The 4500 plus lm output (output significantly better with Samsung 40T or Molicel P45B) means fantastic brightness, but more importantly, this brightness is well sustained once Tmax is properly set. That all of this is in a smallish form that fits jacket pocket is the magic of modern LED and flashlight technology.
BEAM: The beam profile is “balanced”: some super throwers have an extremely bright but narrow hotspot, and little to no spill, resulting in a very narrow field of vision, the Wurkkos OTOH strikes a perfect balance between large-enough hotspot and decently bright spill for nearfield illumination click here. I use this light often during my evening walk and the beam is an absolute thing of beauty: a bright central beam piercing darkness like a light saber. The beam color at ~5100K is very nicely warm (as opposed to harsh flat blue) and has a green tint that I forgive in a thrower LED and, as OCD picky as I am, not a hindrance at all in actual use (vs white walling). Nothing on the market comes close, not at 60 bucks.
Among THE lowest cost SBT90.2 you could buy. Construction is first class. Despite of the large head, feels balanced in my hand. The SBT90.2 LED alone is about $30; I don’t know how they make money selling this light for such a low price. There is currently no competition for this light, not at 60 bucks.
Not much. The larger size means the fit is better for jacket pocket, and maybe very loose pant’s side pocket.
There is no clip which I need mainly to prevent light from rolling off the table. I ended up using Convoy’s universal clip-on clip, AFTER bending the arms out to make it larger and doesn’t scratch the finish as much. As mentioned, green tint common to SBT90.2 LED that I “forgive” with high lumen or super thrower lights.

Wurkkos TS30S PRO
Such expectation for the follow-up to one of the all time greatest lights (TS30S 1st Gen) turned out to be a little of a mixed blessing. First the good news: throw is clearly better, and hotspot clearly brighter than 1st Gen. The improvement surprised me. A second important improvement is now we have Anduril 2, as opposed to Anduril 1 of 1st Gen. Besides those good news however there are some trade-offs. The head diameter of the Pro is noticeably larger than 1st Gen, making the light a little more unwieldy and the “balance” a little off for handling & carrying. It’s responsible for the better throw, but handling wise the Pro is not as “perfect” as TS30S 1st Gen.
There are 2 versions of the lens that came with the Pro: the very first batch had non AR lenses, but it appears Wurkkos released subsequent batch that has AR lens. However this AR lens is of the purple reflection type, NOT the more desirable green reflection. Since purple reflection makes Duv more positive and the beam greener, this is not good for any light with a LED like SBT90.2, which is known to have a greenish tint.
Lastly, there’s the matter of the slightly-strange looking hotspot which has a colored center surrounding by a white ring. This pattern is seen in many lights with smooth reflector, but for whatever reason, the white ring is unusually prominent in TS30S Pro. Although quite obvious with white wall hunting, this hotspot pattern of a white ring around a colored center doesn’t bother me as much in actual use. I especially like the improved throw. Bottom line: I like the PRO but because of the white ring in hotspot, I prefer my 1st Gen. I wish Wurkkos would still make both versions. As long as that bright white ring doesn’t bother you then the Pro is still a great light to own.

Nightwatch Super Valkyrie NI03S w/ 13000 lm SFP55.2L Discussion starts HERE
This light holds the title as THE highest output, single LED, single battery flashlight available on the market. At 13000 lm and 675m throw it’s quite a beast, so unique and I love it so much I have bought a second one. For all the lumens and throw, the Valkyrie is smallish enough and as “pocketable” in loose fitting pants as a 13000 lm light could be. I take it for my evening walks; where it is heavy but fits fine in loose fitting jeans or khaki’s. It has a couple quirks: you need to charge with a Quick Charge power brick, and you have to click the button to start charging. The “wall of light” effect is there, functional and extremely fun, and this is where it holds an advantage over Wurkkos TS30S.

2 Thanks

SUMMARY continued from above
Some pro’s and con’s of each light, all IMvHO. Please expect changes as I buy more lights, learn more things, and make less mistakes. The more interesting lights go first.

Mateminco PD90S Discussion starts HERE
Compared to the Wurkkos TS30S, Mateminco is more floody with large area of illumination. Its incredible output is actually better for nearfield exploration than TS30S, for example exploring the forest. PD90S comes close to creating that “wall of light” :exploding_head: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: effect that I love very much in my 15000 lumen monster lights. The high throw number is a reflection of that crazy output, but subjectively I wouldn’t call this a “throwy” beam. Compare the house on top of the hill to see how wide the illumation is.
BEAM With Orange Peel reflector, the beam is squeaky clean, no ring, no funny hotspot like TS30S Pro. It has larger area of illumination than TS30S, hence better for nearfield illumination. OP reflector decreases throw and “focus”/intensity of hotspot, explaining why this is not a classic “throwy” beam.

Olight M2R Pro Warrior ~$120 and more due to price gouging for Patriot and Orange model
BEAM: CCT of 4900k results in wonderfully warm tone. I had 3 copies of the M2R, one has wonderful beam color, the other is the worst green hell I’ve seen, so there is no consistency to LED quality. TIR optic is well chosen by Olight: nice large hotspot results in wide area of illumination far field. The spill as expected of a throw-oriented TIR optic is dim, but still bright enough so near field illumination is good. This was my favorite walk light, until the Convoy twins M21F and E with Getian GT-FC40 showed up.
PRO: Exudes incredible quality everywhere you look. Feel solid and the finish is first class. Magnetic charging is convenient (but also means you have to bring cable where you travel, as opposed to simplicity of USB-C). Patriotic finish is cool, orange is amazing.
CON: Tint lottery: some light is great, some is horrible green hell. I don’t like the recessed and shallow rear switch nearly as much as Nitecore’s, which protrudes a lot more and is much easier to activate. The side-switch is a little too heavy to activate and has very short travel. I don’t like it as much as Sofirn switch for example, which feels lighter and activates with a “click” more clearly. OTOH this also means Olight’s switch is less likely to be activated accidentally.

Nitecore MH12S ~ $90 but was on sale 20% off
BEAM: CCT 6500k means a harsh blue color that provides excellent illumination at the same time that it flattens depth, but this is not unusual for a thrower. Distant illumination/throw is excellent, better than Olight. Spill is bright, result in very good near field illumination as well. IMHO the small size, bright beam, and excellent throw make this one of my favorite throwers.
PRO: Rear switch is easy to access and have a great old-school mechanical feel. This light grows on me because its small size and light weight make it feel very nice to carry and handle.
CON: Can’t tail stand unless you use the enclosed plastic holster which is big and awkward. Thin metal - the battery cap is razor thin versus Olight and Sofirn for example and looks to be easy distorted if squeezed accidentally. OTOH the thin metal leads to less weight, which I like, so maybe I shouldn’t complain too much. Premium pricing. Unlike the other 2 lights, the light could only be turned on by rear switch (the side switch doesn’t turn on/off, only adjusts brightness).
Overall though the more I use this light the more I love it.

Sofirn IF22a ~$40
BEAM: Also 6500k - harsh bright blue tone that flattens depth and obliterates colors, but this is not unusual for a super thrower. Incredible throw for a small light: all output is concentrated by the 5° TIR optic into a bright but very small hotspot. The weakness: it has what I consider an unbalanced/one-dimensional beam: very small hotspot, with almost no spill. If this type of illumination is what you are looking for, it’s the perfect light. Personally I don’t use the IF22a often.
PRO: Construction not Olight level but excellent nevertheless. Very low cost for the quality it brings and the fantastic throw. For what I paid for one Olight M2R I could get an IF22a PLUS nearly 3 Convoy Nichia’s lol.
CON: See beam discussion above.

My measurements - Please expect multiple changes/edits, as a result of repeat measurements, better knowledge, and correction of my mistakes.

Firefly T9R w/ FFL909MX Review is HERE
Output 5070lm with AM04, 4850 w/ P45B, Throw 1336m w/ AM04 Battery
Duv 0.0100 CCT 5500k

Wurkkos TS30S with SBT90.2:
Throw with Tmax 55 C
With AR lens + 40T Battery: 1062 m at Turbo start, 997 m at 30 sec
With AR lens + Nealsgadgets Lishen “LR2170HP”: 1030 m at 30 sec :smiling_imp: :+1:
CCT 5500 with Purple AR lens, 5800 with Blue AR lens
~0.0060 Turbo hot, 0.0080 lower output with Purple AR lens
~0.0040 Turbo hot, 0.0060 lower output with Blue AR lens
Stock Wurkkos Battery ~3980 lm
With AR lens ~4090 lm (~3% gain)
With AR Lens + Samsung 40T = 4750 lm (11-16% gain from battery alone - confirmed by numerous measurements w/ my TA lumen tube)
With AR Lens + Nealsgadgets Lishen = 4840 lm (3% + 18% gain)
Second Wurkkos battery is better, measuring ~4160 lm stock. Samsung 40T’s gain over this battery is 11%.
The AR lens I used is UCLp Acrylic: UCL Lens - Flashlightlens.com - Online Store (link is external)
Without doubt the Samsung 40T battery makes a big difference. The 4 Samsung batteries I tested got 4520 lm, 4730 lm, 4730 lm, and 4750 lm.

Wurkkos TS30S Pro with SBT90.2
Tested with Tmax = 60 C and various batteries and (with later measurements) Kai Domain Blue Reflection 55mm x 3mm AR lens instead of the stock non AR lens click here.
Throw 1125 m w/ Nealsgadgets Lishen 2170HP, 1132m w/ Molicel P45B, 1158m w/ AM04
Output 4780 lm w/ P45B, 5040 lm w/ P45B and Blue reflection AR lens
CCT 5700 Ra 68 Duv: Turbo output & hot=0.0086
CCT higher and Duv more negative at higher output.

Nightwatch Super Valkyrie Discussion starts HERE
Light #1:
CCT 6400k Ra 70 Duv=0.0012
Throw 676 m
CCT 6100k Ra 71
Light #2:
Output of Light #2
AM04 from 18650-21700: 13340 lm (top 3 readings13020, 13300, 13340)
Molicel P45B: 12960 (12670, 12940, 12960)
Nightwatch 45XP “80A”: 12340 (12270, 12280, 12340)
Lishen LR2170LH: 12330 (12110, 12190, 12330)
Samsung 30T: 11300 (11270, 11270, 11300)
Output of Light #1:
Nealsgadgets Lishen 2170HP 13090 lm
Molicel P45B Grade A 12710 lm
Samsung 30T 12320 lm
Gold Queen Battery 26800 11610 lm
Samsung 40T 10790 lm
Parasitic Drain: 2 mA

Sofirn IF22a with SST40
Throw 635 m
CCT 6463
Ra 71.0 x0.3135 y0.3288 Duv 0.0027
Output 1680 lm

Olight M2R Pro LE Purple with XHP35 HI
Throw 354 m
CCT 4455
Ra 58.0 x0.3683 y0.3981 Duv 0.0135

Nitecore MH12S with SFT40
Throw 315 m
CCT 5989
Ra 66.4 x0.3211 y0.3495 Duv 0.0094
Output 1980 lm

Mateminco PD90S:
Purple Reflection AR Lens
Throw 759m
CCT 6700k
Ra 71
Duv -0.0008
Nealsgadgets’ Lishen 2170HP 7400 lm (Battery Code=03BCEA2)
Molicel P45B 6700 lm
Samsung 30T 6700 lm
Samsung 40T 6300 lm
Wurkkos 5000 mAh 5600 lm
Liitokala 5000 mAh 4700 lm

Lumintop D3:
Purple Reflection AR Lens
Throw 461m
Ra 70
CCT Output Depend: 6200k low, 6800k mid, 7300k Turbo
Duv Output Dependence: 0.0034 low, 0.0006 mid, -0.0027 Turbo
Output Lishen 6500 lm w/ Neal’s Lishen, 6200 lm w/ Samsung 30T
Parasitic drain of lighted button on low (still very brightO: 0.10 mA

My 3 mods for Wurkkos TS30S and TS30S Pro w/ SBT90.2:

1. Powerful Battery ($6-$10) for 10-15% output gain: Batteries with high current capability is a must for the SBT90.2 LED. Measured with both ceiling bounce test and later with Texas Ace lumen tube (with numerous runs & repeats :slight_smile: ) I’ve found in both Turbo and High modes, the gain of Samsung 40T over Wurkkos OEM battery is about 10-15%. Samsung 40T is good enough but those who like to live a life of luxury could go for the $10 Molicel P45B Grade A at Liionwholesale.


2. AR Lenses ($3-$6) for about 4% output gain - $5-$10:
TS30S First gen: Another absolute must for the Wurkkos as the OEM lens is not coated. UCL made two AR lenses that fit perfectly, one acrylic (purple reflection - makes tint greener) and one glass (blue reflection - no change in tint). Either one fits perfectly but I would recommend the glass. Impressively they achieved ~98.4% of max brightness (ie no lens), meaning about ~4% improvement over Wurkkos’s OEM non-coated lens. Click here for UCL v3 Borofloat glass lens.

TS30S Pro The first group of lights had non AR lens, latter lights have purple reflection lens which being purple increases Duv and makes tint greener. The best solution for me is the blue reflection lens size 55mm diameter x 3mm thick CLICK HERE for Aliexpress Link.



3. Increase Tmax: With FET driver, a super bright & super hot LED, and Anduril’s Tmax set at 45°C from factory, this light enters thermal step-down extremely quickly. I reset mine to 55°C and external temp remains a cool 45°C at this higher Tmax. Warning: read about and reset Tmax at your own risk as increased output and temp means increased risk of fire. I’m not “recommending” this step, just reporting what I do.

Some comments as to how these white-wall shots predict the result of how these lights look during my walk. Olight and Sofirn use TIR optics. Nitecore smooth reflector.

Olight M2R Pro Warrior Limited Edition: Note the warm pleasant tone of Olight - it’s one of the very few (or maybe the only one?) 300 meter throwers with on-body charging AND a warm tone. Throw lights tend to have high CCT, 6500K or so, which gives them a uniformly harsh & flat bluish tone. Not so with this Olight, which has a warmer ~5000k LED. The Olight’s warm tone is crucial to me and is the reason I bought (& collected :person_facepalming: :slight_smile: ) these Pro Warrior 2 lights even after knowing Warrior 3 had been released. The warmer tone allows leaves and flowers along our walk to stand out clearly and pleasantly to the eyes. Objects without doubt appear more 3D. As typical of Cree LED, the green tint is there especially with white wall hunting , but it is not noticeable during actual use. The spill is not as bright as Nitecore for example, but still good. TIR optic means spill is very wide and in this case it is bright so the area immediately in front of us is well illuminated. This is a great walk light and one of my most favorite. My only wish is for the step-down not to be so aggressive (too dim).

Sofirn IF22a has a VERY narrow pencil-beam spot that cuts through the night like laser. The throw of this bad boy is utterly amazing for its size and cost. It’s one of those lights that regardless of whether you need it, you want to buy it. Keep in mind, the hotspot is smallish so it doesn’t illuminate a wide area. The spill of this TIR optic is wide, but in this light VERY dim. It illuminates the immediate area around you, but faintly, meaning it’s ok but could be better. The IF22a is a fun light to play with, but because of the small hotspot and faint spill the width of illumination is limited. IMHO it is just average as a walk light.

Nitecore MH12S - Throw is better than Olight and the spot is wider and much more useful than Sofirn’s pencil beam. The spill is brighter than average and illuminates the area immediately in front of you very well. It has a wide illumination area as a result of bright hotspot AND bright spill. It’s a very good walk light except for that harsh blue tone. IMHO it should truly shine as a light for security work because of its excellent brightness and throw, and nicely small size.


Close-up view of a tree about 50 yards away to show the different CCT tone of Olight, versus Nitecore. Throwers tend to use 6500k LED, which results in a harsh and flat view of 3D objects such as a tree or shrub. Warm throwers such as 5000k LED Olight are rare, and this warmer CCT makes objects appear more 3D, with depth and details.

The Sofirn IF22a uses a similar LED to Nitecore so would look the same as Nitecore, except that IF22a’s pencil beam pattern would illuminate less of the tree.

FWIW I’ve learned from beamshots of a review that apparently only the limited edition of the Olight M2R Pro Warrior such as my Patriot, Orange, and Purple models (yes I have 3 of them - went a little overboard there :smiling_imp: :person_facepalming: ) has the warmer tone. Cannot confirm this 100%.

Specs of Chinese Power LEDs

thanks for the photos

ArtieT59 knows how to upgrade the LED to High CRI… suggest you consider asking about his modding service… recommended to improve color contrast on your walks

Wait are there hapless nutty people out there who actually COLLECT Pro Warriors? I thought I was the only one. :innocent:

Kidding aside, thanks Jon for the rec but the 5000k XHP 35 HI is perfect for my use so no mod. Limited edition Pro Warriors like these in comparison to the “regular” ones have lower CCT to begin with anyway, plus I’d like to keep them original. My Patriot actually had all the red stripes lined up, so it’s going to be a garage queen LOL. BTW desert tan is nice, but if you’re from the US IMHO Patriot is the one. Orange was once voted most desirable by Olight fans I think, and it IS stunning. The price gouging is ridiculous for these 2, especially Patriot.

At a younger age I was into the modding game with my cars and cameras (Bilstein suspension, race exhaust, removing the AA filter of my Canon DSLR, etc.). Not anymore. Enough headache :).

I have no business ordering another light, but this Wurkkos with SBT90.2 was on sale and I couldn’t resist 3760 lumens and 865 meter throw in a (hopefully) jacket-pocketable light. (Review here: Wurkkos TS30S Andúril Flashlight Review - ZeroAir Reviews .) It seems to be a monster of a bright light, and it’s somewhere in LA waiting for me. :innocent:

The SBT90.2 (note the .2 - that’s the more desirable second generation version) is no Nichia or GT-FC40 when it comes to beam tint and color rendering, but has created some wave because of its tremendous output. I had A LOT of difficulty deciding between this and Convoy L8, but in the end I prefer smaller lights and the Convoy’s head diameter is just a little too big. Wurkkos appears to be the least expensive host with excellent review for this LED, so it made decision a little easier. I like to compare lights to give some perspective, and hope comparing it to these 3 throwers should be an interesting one.

2022-05-03 16:48
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA, US, In transit - Inbound
2022-05-02 13:07
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2022-04-30 14:29
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2022-04-29 17:30
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2022-04-27 04:52
Yanwen facility - Outbound

The light is here - will get some beam shots when I have time. But basically it’s like a lighthouse with tremendous brightness. :+1: :slight_smile: The throw is unreal even compared to the excellent IF22a.

One curious aspect of this light is how expensive just the LED is - $32 compared to just a few bucks for most other LED’s.

With the LED costing $30, the Wurkkos at $60 is quite a deal. I couldn’t resist.

Wurkkos TS30S: Quality is not just good, but outstanding especially considering cost is so reasonable. For a SBT90.2 light that meet my requirement of on-board USB-C charing and consistently good reviews, I feel this IS the both the least expensive and best choice on the market presently. Size wise, although big and looks a touch unwieldy, it actually feels great and balanced in the hands. The big top is absolutely necessary to deal with the monster LED for better cooling capacity - I wouldn’t want anything smaller than this. The closest comparison size-wise is to Sofirn SP36 BLF: Sofirn at 15 oz is 4 oz heavier. The SP36’s beer can sizing and heavier weight make me hesitate to carry it on my walk, but this Wurkkos is easy enough to carry in my jacket. Once I have experienced the tremendous beam of this light, really I didn’t mind ANYTHING :stuck_out_tongue: .

All surfaces are anodized; the anodized finish is a touch too shiny for my taste (I prefer matte) but other than that it’s excellent. The quality is outstanding both inside and out: large contact surface on top, double spring in tail cap. The light comes with Wurkkos 5000 mAh battery and because something like high-current Samsung 40T is recommended, I will do an A:B battery shoot-out. Pocket clip is not provided, so I use my trusty Convoy clip-on clip after bending its arms outwards so it doesn’t scratch the finish too much. There is one bezel of modest size, model sold on Amazon has a second bezel of that is ridiculously huge. That huge bezel is NOT included with this AliExpress sale and it’s not missed at all.

The body (battery tube) looks even but actually is not reversible. The top end is slightly larger than the tail end. There is no knurling but what’s there is good looking and provides good grip. The side switch, used in other Sofirn lights, might not be the best looking but functionally is the best of all the side switches I’ve experienced: it’s flat, has just the right amount of travel, and clicks easily with a nice tactile feel. Overall, really just an excellent and very good looking light.

1 Thank

Large battery “button” on top, and double spring at the bottom. This LED is extremely current hungry. The current draw as measured in the excellent Zeroair review is 15 amp in Turbo mode.

It’s great to see the attention to details despite of the very low cost of the light. (To be fair the original cost was $85, not the $60 I paid.)

I am beginning to think out of my 20 plus recent-vintage lights, 3 lights starting with
Wurkkos TS30S, for its incredible brightness and tremendous throw,
Convoy S21D with 219b 4500k for color accuracy and tint, and
Convoy M21E or F with GT-FC40 4500k for color accuracy and throw,
would make an ideal starter kit for someone new to this hobby. Meaning, I probably could eliminate about 17 other lights and still be happy with this trio (or maybe not lol - I love my SP36 BLF also). :+1:

1 Thank

I swapped SFH55 in my TS30S. Very nice.

Thermal Calibration: First time using the Wurkkos was a disappointment. Turbo was bright but within seconds the light stepped down, and not only that, the step-down was to a very dim level. From past experience with Wurkkos TS21, I checked the light’s thermal sensor and lo and behold it was reading 36 C when the ambient temp was 21 C. The sensor was off by an unprecedented 15 degrees C. (Assuming linear relationship, this means that when the internal temp is 30 C, the flashlight thinks it is 45 C and shuts down.) I have other Anduril lights and usually found temp to be off by a few degrees, but never this much (what happened to QC?). At any rate correction was easy enough using the Anduril 1’s menu.

Max Thermal Limit: To further prevent premature step-down from Turbo level, I also increased the temp at which ATC (automatic temperature regulation) kicks in. Factory default is 45 C, so my first try was 60 C. At this level, Turbo stayed on longer than all other lights I have, but the Wurkkos became too hot to touch. Next try was 50 C limit, and behavior is now perfect. Step downs from Turbo is not too early, nor too late. About same time as IF22a for example (a few minutes). Light does not become too hot, and brightness and throw remains off-the-chart stunning for a “smallish” light :slight_smile: :+1: .

Pic of the large and beautiful smooth reflector:

2 Thanks

Once brightness gets to a certain super-high level for this particular host (or I guess any host for that matter), it appears the limitation is solely how fast you could drain the heat. Any more brightness would probably cause either
a. light becomes too hot or
b. step down becomes too fast and/or too dim.

What’s interesting to me about Anduril is that if manufacturer drops the ball and doesn’t use it properly, then Anduril is not necessarily a good UI. When users are not nutty hobbyists I could easily see the light being returned. OTOH I am thankful for Anduril because one I love its flexibility and choices, and two, as seen with the TS30S, I could tailor the light to behave exactly how I want it to. I am glad I could find an ideal max thermal limit of 50 C. It’s lighting up EVERYTHING lol - near field (from the bright spill) and far field (intense hotspot); some of the most fun with flashlight I’ve had.

BTW still very cheap on Wurkkos site Wurkkos TS30S USB C Rechargeable 21700 Flashlight Powerful SBT90.2 LED 6000lm Anduril Version . Join the party, you won’t regret this. :partying_face:

Its a really nice light. I’ve been wanting to put a clip on mine and yet I see you got one but is it sturdy enough?

Also that last link you posted has some nice reviews on their site, are you vic* I noticed the same clip?

Congratulations on getting your review on there.

I think all the Wurrkos are like this.

It’s a known thing for Anduril 1. Not only Wurkkos, All brands I’ve seen thru reading, including whatever I have, even Hank’s K1, all temp calibration out from factory are way off.

It’s also a known thing that at some point of time, those who know, 1st thing to do is calibrate the temp for Anduril 1 lights.