XHP 70 and XHP 50 from 2700K to 6500K, in stock now at Mouser for as low as $14.44 for XHP 70 and $7.14 for XHP 50
Link for XHP 70
and XHP 50
Link for XHP 70
and XHP 50
Now I wish I would’ve waited instead of paying $13 for a ’50 at LEDDNA. Oh well….
Don’t forget that mouser only has free shipping above $100, at least here in europe.
On small orders it’s always like $30 shipping, so it’s quite expensive if you order only a few parts at a time.
Yes, but In the US they have a $5 shipping option, and I’m about to place an order from them anyways.
Yes, Mouser and Digikey are better? for the US, except for sales taxes. I just placed a big order and still got hit for shipping and sales tax. The only good thing is that they will arrive Friday at the latest.
Not that it makes much difference but just in case anyone is not aware these XHP70's are not the top bin. I believe N4 is the top bin followed by N2 etc.
Even if they're not top bin that is an excellent price.
Hmm maybe the tax is dependent apon what state you’re in? I am never charged tax from Mouser.
Old-Lumens is in Texas, as is Mouser.
TX residents pay 8.25%, here in Tyler. Most of the big sellers in the USA have at least one facility in TX, so we always pay tax.
Yes, N4 is a higher bin, but trying to get some at under $20 each with shipping is hard, unless you want to wait for a month, since the Chinese are on holiday and when they come back, it will be mass confusion for a month after that.
I don't worry about the top bin too much, when you have 16,000 lumens coming out the front, no one is going to know if it's N2 or N4 bin.
It’s lower than I thought, for Mouser. Usually they are higher than everyone else.
they are in the 1xxx range. Is that a mistake?
Show 11 weeks out for the 4500 Kelvin. I’ll wait.
No, those are spot on. Remember that we overdrive them far past the factory specifications.
That’s rough. In Iowa it’s 6%, IF we have to pay it at all. I guess the trade-off is that you usually get delivery a day earlier than the rest of us.
I dare say there's a lot of countries worse of than us with their tax but I'll swap your 6% or 8.25% for our 10%.
Lucky buggers!
Don’t worry, our sales tax is lower, but the income and property tax is where they get the real cash flow.