Something that I’ve been wondering… why dont they make a 3volt version of the XHP emitters? It would just be the four 3V dies in parallel… right?
Good question .
I don’t really know , but i guess they don’t want to work with high currents …
One of the reasons the new LEDs have high Vf is to reduce the current load on the bond wires and the diode itself, achieving higher efficiency.
A 3V XHP70 wouldn’t make much sense, in order to achieve maximum performance you would need a driver that could put out 10+ amps, and a battery to sustain that load. a FET driver does the job at the highest modes but are not good for regulation or efficiency. Components required to build powerful boost drivers already exists, and contrary to popular believe they can get pretty efficient.
Because 6v and 12v batteries and power supplies are much more common than high current 3v ones.
3V opposed to 12V means four times the current, meaning 16 times higher losses for all electrical resistances. It’s a quadratic relation that adds up pretty quickly with increasing current. That’s my initial guess.
Oh ok got it… I wasn’t thinking about current. thanks all