the extension tube fits almost perfect. there is a slight expose to the o-ring on the original tube but that is fine and tailcap fits perfect to the tube too.
Xhp50 6200k
Convoy-M1 host with 18650 extension
BLF17FET with standard 5 mode no memory.
I can never get the brass pill to hold solder…… ever. it’s irritating!!! I would much rather the driver be soldered to the pill then with a ring. as for the MCPCB to the brass it already is on the center. I never thought of doing it all the way til it’s over flowing.
The build looks great, but what kept you from running two 18350’s in the stock light. Besides the ridiculously short run time, it would be a neat sleeper….
Very nice build. Super clean… As for the above mentioned flux, I bought a few of them about a month ago and really like the stuff. This guy sells the “no clean” 951 as well as the 186 rosin based flux. Both are Kester.
Well, to solder the MCPCB to that pill you've probably got to use a torch or another big heat source because the entire pill, along with the MCPCB, has to be hot enough for the solder to reflow. It will be fine as long as you've got pressure on the MCPCB while in use.
I use Kester’s solder paste between mcpcb and pill and heat it on the stove, in my $1.50 aluminum fry pan I picked up at a garage sale. Reflow on it also. It’s low cut and small, made of aluminum, it cleans up well too.