XinTD X3 Group Buy from WB

I am working w/WB on a group buy for a different light (will be announced soon), and WB just let me know of this group buy, which is posted at CPF, XinTD X3 delivered w/tracking for $35.70.

Edit: Pic/link to WB removed.

Same one as on IOS?

IOS give a much better choice of tint and modes. Well, a choice, anyway. :bigsmile:

CSX emailed Cherry and asked her if the XinTD C8 at Wallbuys was the same one that int-outdoor sells, she said XinTD was not a registered brand and anyone could use the name.

Yep…and the battery carrier does not look near as nice.

Edit: For a group buy price, it doesn’t seem to be THAT great…just ok.

I have it just right now seen for the first time and I dislike it, not sure why…

The 3AA capability could be interesting for some guys here which would like to have a nice light with lithium primaries…

if this X3 has side switch i do really interested,but already got other 26650 light on the way :~

No side switch…tailcap reverse clicky.

yep no side switch.
big light should use side switch instead tail switch (just my opinion)


the nice thing about the proper xintd’s was the host quality and having the drivers ios works to improve with an interesting choice of emitters you didn’t regularly see elsewhere.

plus it was nice having a house brand light from a blf supporter. I’ve no interest in a light that’s really just a plagiarised name from a company banned from the forum for their shoddy business practices and spamming.

this is literally just more of the same.

Maybe Hank should consider registering the brand Xintd?

maybe people should consider respecting sb’s wishes by not posting deals and group buy’s from a vender that had multiple chances and blew every single one from one of the most stand up and lenient forum owners on the net?

I’m always in for a group buy, but I second Gords on this one. Couldn’t have said it better myself.

I think that is reasonable, gords. I have removed the pic/link to WB, but the CPF link remains for those still interested. Course…some may consider leaving the CPF link a bit worse. :bigsmile:

no worries.

sorry, I’m pretty cranky today and I cant kick the kids……

Wallyworld does get my back up though, they relentlessly spammed the forum for far too long.

I wouldn’t worry about the cpf link, although I’m amazed those money grabbing n*’s tolerate wallbuys, are they sponsors?

I do really like my X3 (from IOS of course), but I really have no use for the 3AA configuration, and as a 26650 light, it's kind of an odd ball (tube too wide and too short) but does have great heat sinking and does tail stand very well. It lies between a C8 and HD2010 in size and resulting throw. This WB one certainly does appear to be identical to the IOS one, very much matching the look, nothing like the failed XinTD C8 they sell. I'm thinking it's a true XinTD.

Would hope the lens is an AR lens and not just "glass" as listed....

They were, not sure if they still are. They let all the huge Chinese sites start spamming CPFM. One of the reasons I ended my sponsorship there. No point in paying for threads that are getting immediately buried.

Wallbuys is no spammer and has a good reputation, here on BLF too. The mistakes they made in past were dumb but now they make it better. I always wonder about the haters here, never understood why they got banned(to harsh in my eyes). Try to forgive and make a new start with them.

I order a lot stuff from them to very very good prices, especially since fasttech service has degraded so much.
CPF gets super groupbuy deals from them
Think of the Panasonic 3400 protected shipped with tracking 13.80$ per pair, also they have fast shipping.

And because this is a budget light forum their stuff fits here perfectly, think of all the <10$ lights they have on promotion…

never let integrity get in the way of a dollar eh? not suprising with them, it was only a matter of time.