and im looking or a modded driver that will run at 3a, i have been reading this forum for about 3 hours now, but i cant seem to see any sources for alternate drivers.
It will power your light to 2.8Amps constant current.. Here is a review.
These driver are O.K as well but they my be Direct Drive. That's mean when a 18650 battery is fully charged at 4.20v tail cap reading may be more than 3Amps depending on battery. I would go for the first one.
Thanks how2, i suppose its a subjective question but do you think there will be a great difference in light output? or will i just be shooting myself in the foot with battery life?
Sorry to bombard with questions, but you wouldnt know of a tutorial for wiring a new driver?
I reckon the light you bought is Direct Drive. It will be driven 1.5 - 2.0Amps.
You will see a difference if you buy the driver. With direct drive you never know. It may be driven at 1.2Amps. If you run it at 2.8Amps Then with a good battery you will get about 50 to 45mins. You will need to have good batteries.
I have a smallsun A1 which has a XPG driven at 1.8 to 2Amps. It lasts for 1Hr 45min but light output gets lower as the battery voltage goes down.
When you get the light test how much Amps its pulling with DMM. If you like it leave it alone.
I do not like these types of light I have three all have XRE led which are better for throw.