I got some of these XP-G centering discs that adapt to an XM-L reflector from FastTech.
I already used one to center a red XP-E in a C8 reflector. It works great, and they’re made out of clear plastic.
I just used one of these with a dedomed XPG-2 in an A60. It was the only centering ring I could find that actually worked with this reflector led combination. Without it light output was poor. After using this light output increased immensely.
Hi,just got an XP-G2 R5-1A from Fast Tech for my C8 Q5 and was wondering what to use as my new led
is a lot smaller than my Q5,will these fit the hole in my reflector.cheers terry
I don’t have one on me that I can measure but it does say that it fits a 7mm hole in the reflector which sounds about right to me.
Got some pics?
This is the best I could do with my ipad and my cat trying to grab the lanyard.
The centering disc is clear. The LED is a red XP-E. The red you see around the LED is a Noctigon.
Just ordered these, thanx ouchy!
Cool. Thanks for the tip Ouchy.
Thanks for the tip, off to buy some!
Any reason you use a smaller emitter vs the XM-L? Lower power for longer life?
More throw with xpg and sometimes (often?) has a desirable effect when thrown in reflectors made for xml.
Thanx for the heads up Ouchyfoot!
Here's a picture in the A60 with dedomed XPG-2 with the Fasttech centering ring.
Anyone try these with Nichia 219?
XPG/XPG2 disks that have very tight tolerance often don’t fit 219 (XPG/XPG2 = 3.45mm, 219 = 3.5mm). These look like there might be just enough play to work.
More throw. A reflector would work best if the light source was infinitely small. Assuming a perfect parabolic reflector, everything outside of that infinitely small space isn't focused by the reflector perfectly. A smaller emitter emits more light closer to that infinitely small place, so its light is better focused.
…and I could only find a red LED in XP-E.
They are not good for convoy c8 with smo reflector…
I’ve tried. Work flawless.
They are a good product, works well, here on a P60, XP-G2
Are there any XP-G centering discs for reflectors with 9mm opening?