You buy 13 different flashlights within 20 days of finding a new hobby!
Holy crud I’m going to be in so much trouble when all this stuff arrives! I have 5 at my house right now but 8 more packages coming over the next week. It is getting harder and harder to hide this obsession.
I started about a year ago - buying lights, electronic components, quadcopters, RC car, (…) you name it, I bought it. I have absolutely no idea why, most of the stuff I bought is still in the original packaging and was never used.
Thought I ditched buying stuff I don’t need a few years ago but apparently I am back on it.
When it comes to flashlights I realized I only use 1 and never touch any of the other ones. given the fact that I didn’t have a flashlight for 95% of my life so far I wouldn’t even need that one.
Right now it feels like I will ditch this hobby since I have problems sourcing lights from Chinese sellers and I am not willing to pay the full price in EU or US. Also don’t really know what I should do with all the lights I have now. haha.
You’ve already spent way more than I have or plan to. Hopefully you don’t get burnt out.
Btw, it’s not a great idea to list them all in your signature, because it messes with search results. If someone searched for “SkyLumen SL2vn” (aka S2+), all of your posts will show up in the results, regardless of what your post was actually talking about.
I’ve got a bad habit buying lights, then selling lights to buy more lights. I never break even but I never really expect to…everything’s face value plummets once touched. It’s a hobby and I enjoy it. It really gets fun when you start building your own though.
Dropped in to say what djburkes already said. I own a lot of factory lights, 50+ at least, and do really enjoy them. But the most fun is building things yourself. With just a bit of knowledge and a few tools, you can do all sorts of things with flashlights that no company with a risk management department would ever dare to produce.
Thanks, I just fixed that signature issue. Seems like the forum should skip checking that part of a post (like every other forum I have ever seen) but it looks like it just appends it to the bottom of every post so it gets included in searches. Strange.
And also makes the posts longer for no reason at all, there are people with 50+ modded lights imagine them listing all of those with their respective mods, the signature would be pages long.
I would be very surprised to learn that the signatures get parsed by the search engines. I have tried inserting unique terms on purpose on a forum I maintain. The forum is different software but that one at least, never comes up with the unique random term used for the test. I do agree that large signatures are a nuisance factor that annoy me… mostly ones with large graphics, but I mentally gloss over those.
But I’ll catch up with you eventually :bigsmile: I started out wanting only a few specific-use lights. Then I discovered how awesome these lights are in person, and that there were better ones than the ones I chose. I’m a fool for keychain-sized lights and the AAA/10440 size has been an EDC for so long that I don’t even know it’s there till I need it. So many to choose from and I’m on my 4th one with a 10180 in the other pocket for backup. Most people can justify at least 3 lights- EDC, car, and house. Different purposes can justify double that. Use-specific (headlights and lanterns etc) can add more. Plus these are good, clean fun and far more useful than many ‘toys’ of other hobbies.
I’m hooked and I’m exercising far more restraint than it may seem with my being in 3 recent group buys. Those 3 fit specific needs which I had neglected to fill as I concentrated on tiny AAA/10440 lights. And then there are purchases for gifting. So yeah, coming off the starting line nets you a lot of lights fast but as the race goes on you’ll hit your pace and there will be fewer, better ones. And cells. And chargers. And maybe modding plus the equipment that takes J)
Yeah, it can be addicting but at least you’ll never be in the dark unless you want to be!
Just got my Nitecore EC11, fun little light! Small enough to fit in my pocket but not so small it feels dinky. Lots of lumens for this little guy as well.