My Zebralight H51C (with the 85+CRI rebel emitter) is getting about 1 hour runtime on the lowest high setting, H2 which ZL claims 2.4h [it might run for 2.4h down to 50% but i need more light thay it can provide after just an hour]. That’s using fresh Duraloops charged on my IQ-328. Would a 2500mAh eneloop XX or a 2450 duracell NiMH help improve usable runtime any? What about some of those 2700mAh batteries, any brand recommendations on the highest cap AA NiMH I can get for this thing. What sort of increase in runtime would 500 or 700 additional mAh’s tack on?
How much more runtime would I get from a 3000mAh L91, what real-world runtime increase would a 150% increase in battery cap equal? Again I’m not talking specs down to 50, Im talking maintaining a usable level of light, for detailed work in the shop 50 of the ~90Lm H2 isn’t enough to see squat.