Zebralight H600W MKII High Res Photos

Having fun with some new lighting equipment I got today. Enjoy! - I hope. :bigsmile:

nice photos :slight_smile: my h600w is jealous :smiley:

Thanks! How is the Flex treating you?

still trying to program something for it but my graduation theses needs to be programmed too :slight_smile:
I downloaded a quite nice program (upndown I think) but it isn’t regulated with it :frowning:
will try to post some nice pictures too :wink:

Btw, the clip from the H502 will fit PERFECTLY with it.

Did you ever notice that a SC52 and the H600’s have the same reflectors. BTW I like the way the sc600 clip fits with shrink wrap on the clip, nice fit and doesn’t scratch the hard coat. BTW Cellguy nice photo’s.

That is good info. I formed a SC600 clip playing around and it worked pretty well. The heat shrink is a good idea too BP.

Boy that pic with that 3400 Keeppower is just TOOOO sexy. What are you using for a camera? VERY nice pics.

I have Nikon D5100. It is all about the lighting. I had two side lamps before today and they did ok, but what I really need to a top down light. I picked a cheap clamp light and 65 watt/6500K daylight CFL bulb and it made all the difference.

Camera setting were F8, ISO 100 with 1.3 exposure compensation. I think I need to bump it up to 1.7 though. The white background is still washing out a bit.

I have to get me a Way better camera and good lighting to go with it. I also have to learn how to use different settings on a camera. I wish to SOME day do a flashlight review with pics, but I'm sure it won't be as good as others on here, that's for sure. Anyway thanks for the info Cellguy.

I would say the camera is not as important as you think. Check out some of Flashlion’s reviews. His pictures are first class and taken with an average point and shoot. I do not claim to have any idea how to properly use a camera! I found some good YouTube videos and copied them with a few small adjustments. Good lighting, continuous background and trial and error. I think Flash mentioned he takes upward of 500 photos to find the best ones for his review. Finding the time is another story all together!

I would start with daylight photos. Great results and you usually can find some cool settings, machine shop, wood pile etc…figuring out the studio shots is the why the pro’s make the money.

Finding the time is another story all together! You are not kidding!! I'll definitely will check out Flashlion’s review's and YouTube for videos. Thanks again man.

I don't remember who I bought the H502 from, but that enterprising individual shrinkwrapped a small neodymium magnet to the clip. It's how also very easy to stick to anything metal.

I'm hoping someone other that ZL will end up stocking a few clips in the future so I can put them as an add on to an order. I think IS was going to do that at some point, not sure if anything ever materialized.

@Bip P - Yup, they use the same EXACT reflector, which is why I passed on it, since I already own the sc52, and don't like the beam profile for a headlamp. (To me a headlamp is strictly for very close up stuff.)

I am placing an order tomorrow for some lights. I can add some clips no problem.

Awesome! I'll take two :D

I want to order H600w Mk II one:


“Availability: Back Order” - What does this mean?

It means just order it. But it might take up to a few weeks to get it shipped.

I ordered my beginning of November. Got shipped yesterday.

Thank you Ramblings!

Accidentally thought and yet ordered June 11 (Availability: In Stock). Received on June 27.

Great light!