They’re not answering my email, I’ve sent 4 already
It says the light in the g6 can be programmed in 12 different models
Is there any way to set this thing to just medium and high and nothing else?
no low, or strobe
I wanna be able to push the button and I want it to come on high roughly 350 lm, and then have a high at roughly 1000 lm…
anyone know?
You can set the 6 slots (H-M-L, each with two slots switched by double click) to one of the predefined levels. Strobe cannot be changed.
Okay, so in other words it cannot be set to just medium and high, I have to have 3?
Like I mentioned, what are the available choices lumen levels for the sc600f?
It says on their website in g7 mode, the light has 12 choices of lumen output but I don’t see them
A guy on another site, told me that I should set both highs at 800 and both mediums at 300 and thats the closest I’m gonna get out of this brand
I don’t understand why they did not just have medium and high, and then gave people 20 choices in lumen levels, instead of having 2-3 choices for each level that are accesed by a ton of clicks that nobody can remember
Just keep it simple
One click medium, second click high,third click off.
I set up my headlamp for running with only two modes, by programming “H1” and “H2” in G6 as the desired levels, which in your case would be 350 and 1000 lumens. Then all you have to do is single click for on, and double click to toggle between the two levels. Single click turns the light off from either level.
I would also set M1/M2 and L1/L2 to the same 350/1000 lumens, that way you never get anything else (if you were to double click or long press from off) and you can still double click to toggle between the two levels.
Note that the last used sublevel (e.g. H1/H2) in each of the three main levels is memorized and will be the first to come on.
Thank you for clearing that up