Zircon 803 or 804

Hello BLF, I just purchased a couple Sofirn D25L headlamps with Samsung L351D emitters… a nice simple headlamp for a decent price.

I am finding that the more I use them, the more I can’t stand the GREENish tint. I guess I have become a tint snob, haha.

I want to try Zircon 803 and 804 minus green filters.

I can buy 24x24 inch sheets online, but that seems excessive.

I found a sales thread here on BLF for smaller sizes and have sent a PM, but have yet to hear back.

Does anyone know where to get smaller sizes?

Also, what is the difference between 803 and 404.

Thanks in advance,

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That was Boaz’s thread, right? He’ll get back to you, he’s active on here. Could also post in the thread and depending how he set up his account on this new forum platform, that might reach him too. Maybe some of the big photography suppliers would have some small cuts in a pack? Might still be more than you need and the expense of shipping.

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Yes and thank you.

I found the 24x24 at photo supplier.

You can buy a bigger sheet of material at places like you said Bhphoto for like 25$ a sheet shipped . The thing is the shipping is what kills the deal for most people . unless you want 50 times what you’ll ever use of just one style it doesn’t make any sense .For the same amount of money you can get 10 or more diffuser sheets, regular filters .colored filters zircon sheets …from me.
I’m the best option out there …I ship crazy fast ,know my stuff , source things you can never find, have the best overall prices and am damn good looking.
People like to conveniently forget about shipping costs and when you factor that in suddenly I’m the only clear choice .

Private message is still the best way to get a hold of me on BLF

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I bought a whole roll of dc-fix because it was on amazon with prime shipping. I currently use it on two different lights.

If I want to replace it, to trace out the amount I need, I use a dime. That’s about the size of the lens on the lights I use them on. A dime. I have 14 square feet of this stuff lmao. I only use 2 dimes worth.

At least with DC fix you can find something else to do with it. Put it on your bathroom windows or something idk. You could find something. But zircon…what’re you going to do with all that extra zircon? Stick them to every light bulb in your house and ungreen the world?

Btw I say 304.

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