Fun With Old Words

I like languages too, but i took some wild guesses there, but they say i’m an English professor too…
I think the test is broken…

‘Gobbledegook’ was a funny one. :slight_smile:

It’s rigged—I want to see the answers

100% broken. I got the same result and purposefully chose a few incorrectly. Still though, it was fun to see some of those old words.

Okay… that’s good to know. Now I feel less good about myself. :confounded:

Yeah, sorry. It inflates the result. I got the ‘English Professor’ at first try.
I tried again and deliberately clicked wrong answers and still got ‘English Ph.D.’

Yeah, what a disappointment. I re-did it and made errors purposefully and scored as an English PhD. Sorry I posted this. :disappointed:

Why I think it’s cool—-I sent a link to all my friends that know too much—-HaHa

Don’t. I felt like a genius for a few moments. Not happening too often :laughing:

“English Professor”

Shoot. I must be getting old. There were a bunch of words at the end that I thought were still commonly used.

I’m going to go get a :beer: now…

EDIT - okay I just read the rest of this thread. IC it’s rigged. But still it doesn’t my “revelation” :frowning:

Look into the mirror. You’ve been punked. And me too.
But it sure looks good on your resume. :student:

yeah, I’m a professor too. I very much believe that this test like many others, was created to stroke one’s ego … :confounded:

I always get the same result with ANY test I have done so far:

“Seek help immediately!”

Yep, it’s crap, I’m a professor too (although I did minor in English Lit at UTK)

It was a “Lilly-dilly” :stuck_out_tongue:


The test iz gobbledegook :smiley:

Im a professer to :smiley:

If any one fills inclanated thay should putt together a list off the werds and they’re corect meenings. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like I am brilliant also……. it has to be broken. :person_facepalming: … :smiley:

Hehe, that’s funny :nerd_face:

I gots one heck of a score! I got “flashlight nerd”