Review request for HKJ [Rechargeable Batteries]

Panasonic/Sanyo NCR20700A. 30A and 3300mAh

That would be nice.

Out of stock at the current time.

Hey HKJ,

thanks to all the great reviews and tests. Since I know your site I don’t buy batteries without them reviewed by you. :wink:

What about testing the Liitokala 26650 cells?!

Get them on Gearbest quite cheap.

I already got them and have tested them, the review will be published soon.

Alright, thanks! That’s good news. :wink:

Later this year there will allegedly be a Panasonic/Sanyo NCR20700C cell available, rated at 30A like the 20700A but with 200-300 more mAh.

I am interested in testing it, if anybody see a link where I can get it (I am in EU), please post it.

How did your order end?

With this review: Test/review of Sanyo NCR20700B 4000mAh (Red)

TrustFire IMR 14500 3.7V 700mAh please. :slight_smile:

We’ve talked about it about 2 months ago. In the meanwhile I received them from KD. I believe they’re really good for their money.

I got them at that time, it is one of the review I have not published yet.

I’d mix up the manufacturer.
Look there, they ship to every country in the EU:

It is the A and the coming C model I am interested in links to, I have tested the B model.
There is also a NCR20*65*0A model, I do have that in queue (I was planning on getting the NCR20700A and did not notice the difference).

Good to know Henrik. :slight_smile:
Waiting for your full review to be published, can you tell me (in brief) your opinion?

LG has two 20650 cells that I am aware of, but I have not seen them for sale to the public:

model M42: 15A and 4200mAh
model HG6: 20A and 3000mAh

I do not have any opinion yet, the data is still on the test station and I have not looked at it.

I am interested in testing them, if anybody see them in a shop that ships to EU, please post a link.

With regards to those Trustfire IMR14500 cells, good value for the money. Measured 80 & 82mΩ internal resistance for my units, which translates into up to ≈5A discharge rate.

Oh! By the way, HKJ, soldered a USB micro-B connector this evening. Measured resistance between the wire lines is ≈2.5MΩ, so I am wondering if this could be an issue, data wise of course. Damn…
Self-answering my previous question: data transmission issues. :|

Cheers ^:)

Original post date: Sun, 02/05/2017 - 00:17; information added.

By the way:

Sanyo 20700A 30A 3100mAh 20700 Bench Test Results...a great performing 30A 3100mAh battery! @Mooch/ECF

On another note, the popular LiitoKala 26650A/B is still “untested”.

Cheers ^:)

Thanks for the info Barkuti. :slight_smile: