How Do You Pronounce The Word "Tuna"?

a-tún (spanish) or to-nyi-na (català)

too-na for me

Everyone in my neck of the woods pronounces it too-na.

Tuner or chewna, both sound the same :wink:

Or Tsuna lol. They are basically the same just spelt different.

You can tune a piano but you can’t tune a fish. :wink:


Too-nah inna cahn, a-yuh!

“It’s not a too-na’ (Arnie)

I fear I might just be a poshly spoken Brit :o

Tuna, with a U.

Ah i didn’t realise the poster is kiwi. Maybe we can also ask how to pronounce fish and chips? lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Chicken Of The Sea

Nothing like a good too-na steak seared on the outside, rare on the inside!

a Chicken of the sea

In Hawiian it’s “humahumanupanupaapua’a” :open_mouth:




Wow, I don’t care how you pronounce it, there’s a lot of money in that net!

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