Review: NANJG 105A 2800mA driver

Is anyone selling these? KD links always seem to give me errors and i cant seem to find it myself.

It's available at Shiningbeam, KD, Intl-Outdoor, Lightmalls.

Thank you, two modes sounds even better to me

Glad to help. Same here, two modes appreciated, especially with that percentage difference.

Yepppers. It could just be me but some mid modes are to high and some low modes are just to low and i just don't get eppo modes (strobe or s.o.s). I should of brought more 105c's to play with but two modes sound great to me.

Thanks for your time.

Where are these available nowadays?


I screwed up some where I ended up with a 2 amp one mode lol I'm very happy with it still as its bright no strobe or s.o.s and I know it was my mistake

The two mode, "100% - 20%", is it normal it to draw 2.8A on High AND 0.27A on LOW ? :|

Yep it's OK. Some Taobao sellers actually say 100-10%, not 100%-20%. 10% of 2.8A is 0.28A Probably depends on batches or one description is older than the other.

Ok, actually I think it is a good amperage for my uses, 20% could be just a bit too high...

But there are drivers, that also have 20% low?

The only 10% low is on the two modes, the other lows are 5% on the 105C.

I wonder if there are 105C that have 20% on low. The tested Nanjg in this review is 105A.

The Nanjg 105C has two resistor on the left of the MCU compared to the 105A.

Have Nanjg 105C same mode groups like Nanjg 105A?

I guess mine are the 105C version:

Mine is the 105C version and pulls 0.28A on two-mode Low.

Is the PCB same for both 12F629 and ATtiny13?

I have not seen a PIC 12F629 on the Nanjg 105 so far.

Yes, sorry the 105A is like that. I am used to seeing the 105C. Actually the 105A is discontinued for quite some time.