[GB ended,discussion only] CRI > 80+ NICHIA 2000K-6500K [E21A/219B/219C/319A/144A/757GT-F1(Optisolis)]

Got my LEDs Texas! Thank you very much!


In response to the request for sm503 impressions, I gave mine before, but I’ll add some white wall comparisons. I do like these emitters, but I thought I was going to love them. I’m not sure if it’s just that nothing can compare to the 219B R9080, which is a warm fuzzy feeling turned into photons or if they’re actually a little off. The 319A looks maybe a hair cooler, but no green. I think it’s even a tiny bit rosy, but it’s hard to be sure since it’s behind an AR lens.

So here’s a 319A sm505 on the left and a 219C sm503 on the right, taken with my Nexus 5 with the white balance set to 6500K. Note that I don’t think the numbers indicated for the white balance correspond to reality - that’s just the setting that seems to produce images that match what my eyes see.

Here’s the 219C sm503 next to the 219B sw45k with the same white balance setting:

Chouster got my package !

Thanks for good delivery and all the work you put in.

Danke schön !

OMD! I thought you were joking….But when I looked at your pictures it is indeed!
compared to 319A sm505, the 219C sm503 looks so much better BUT….when compared to 219B sw45k it turns ugly! :confounded:

It’s not only our eyes, even your Nexus agrees :smiley:

Maukka is definitely needed now. I hope his package will arrive soon.

What’s interesting here is that there’s definitely some automatic post-processing going on other than the color temperature/white balance. The two shots of the sm503 look quite different from each other, appearing green next to the 219B and not next to the 319A. I should re-shoot in RAW, but then I’ll have to figure out reasonable manual post-processing settings.

On the other hand, human vision adjusts to the light sources present, and when I’m adjusted to the sw45k, the sm503 does look green, while it does not if I’m adjusted to most other light sources.

In person, the sm503 looks a tiny bit green next to the 319A sm505. I’m pretty happy with the tint on the 319A - perhaps a little cooler than I thought it would be, but no green. I can’t get it focused perfectly in the TN12 I put it in, so it’s a little ringy and the tint is less even across the beam than I’m used to from Nichia. I like these, and I think they’ll be a great option for when a 219C would be too throwy, or for extra output from triples and quads.

Ok, I took some beamshots indoors and out, shot in RAW and did my best with the post-processing. These may not be the best photos ever, but they should at least be fair to the emitters relative to each other.

Nice Zak. Thanks for the observation and report.
Our eyes indeed adjusted to the nearest comparator. Any cooler tint on and above BBL will have tendency to looks (even perceptually) greenish. The tighter 3 steps will still have variations even though smaller than 5 or 7 steps.
While the 219B tint is pleasantly nice, it’s too poppy for me. I prefer neutral natural tint.

- Clemence

I love the 219B indoors, and for the most part outdoors in manmade surroundings. If you get another batch of these, I’m tempted to buy 40 of them and make some panels for interior lighting. In more natural surroundings, it does seem a little off. The 219C and 319A were quite good. The 319A seems the most neutral to my eye, but colors are a little washed out next to the higher-CRI 219C.

I’m happy with all of these, in case that wasn’t clear. I wish flashlight manufacturers would use any of them.

Now I’m bummed I missed out on these 9080s.

Got my samples from Chouster, thanks! Will post measurements before the weekend.

I’ll probably do some more measurements with the 219B 9080 by putting it into a light since in my opinion it’s the most interesting one (didn’t get the 319As yet).

No, I didn’t send you any 319A. I’ll send you some 3 steps Ra8000 319A later


Habe ich gerne gemacht.

Anyone interested in NCSL219B-V1 9080?

So guys, is anyone interested in NCSL219B-V1 R9080 ?

I know Clemence will be ordering new LEDs very soon. Of course he will order another batch of NVSL219B-V1 R9080.

Question is, are enough people interested in the small-die version to justify the risk of ordering at least 100 pieces?

The small-die version should give a very nice tint and CRI just like NVSL219B-V1 R9080, but output would be even less.

The advantage is in the cd/lm numbers. It’s like having XP-E2 instead of XP-G2, maybe a bit better. The NCSL have the same XP-footprint as the NVSL and have the same max current rating (1,5A constant). So, I think these will be very nice under 20mm Carclo triple optics, not as bright as the “normal” 219B, but with a tighter beam for more throw…

I would definitely be in for some. I just don’t want to talk Clemence into ordering 100 pieces, if nobody else is interested in them. That would be too much of a risk.

I definitely prefer the larger die for this kind of emitter. Now, if they made a flat-dome 219C (no, not the E21A), I’d buy that. Solvents are smelly.

I would expect the NCSL219B-V1 R9080 B11 to achieve about 87% of the light output of the NVSL219B-V1 R9080 D220 or 80% of the NVSL219C R9050 D240 at 1,5A. That wouldn’t be bad at all for that small-die emitter.

I’ll take 12. Maybe more if I find another application.

88pcs to go….