Massive Winter Storm Stella hits New England

Love that

I rather enjoy the snow season. I get the opportunity to use all the attachments (snow blower, blade..etc) I have for my mini John Deere tractor.

Serve me up a hot toddy, go have some fun!!

The movie is “A Streetcar Named Desire”

No snow here in OLD England :)


Saw it on the Dutch news, good luck everybody!

Indeed, I have to say I’m rather jealous (not of the storm, but the snow)………. the ONLY time we had snow that thick here on the SW coast of the UK was when I was about 6, that was well over 30 years ago!
We sometimes have a slight scattering here, maybe 2-7 days max but it’s like dandruff compared to those photo’s!
Enjoy yourselves you lucky people (and stay safe) Perhaps a BLF snowman compo is in order……….

Current weather in central Maine: SNOW! WIND! 25 F, visibility near zero…. In other words, just another day in Maine, ayuh!

Expecting 12+ inches w/ drifting. In other words, just another average storm in Maine, ayuh!

Waiting till morning, snowblow the car out of the drifts, head to work. In other words, just another work day in Maine, ayuh!

4 wheel drive and winter tyres with studs :+1: :+1: :+1: I know that studs are forbidden almost everywhere in the world. Stay safe.

You can have studs in New York State but I like the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R2, no studs.
Second set and they are very good in snow with front wheel drive.

You can have studs in New York State but I like the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R2, no studs.
Second set and they are very good in snow with front wheel drive.

Lehigh County, PA reporting 13in. It was deeper this morning while still fluffy. After it sleeted for a couple hours show compacted a bit
I was out this morning to work @ 6AM and back home by 9:30 AM. I think about 8 people showed out of the 25 needed to function. We did what we could and went home. I got paid for the whole day for showing up.

Tomorrow morning after it all freezes… work is a Maybe.

And Studded snows are allowed in PA

Keep it warm :slight_smile:

What headlight/flashlight tint is good for weather like that?

I tried to do some beamshots in foggy weather and just saw a white wall.

I think I need some VERY WARM tint to to see and “be seen”.

Hang in there guys. Please keep us posted.

Southern Maine reporting here. I shoveled and snowblowed (a verb?) around 3pm, and just came in from moving another 14-16 inches off my driveway.

Still snowing, still blowing…

…the one good thing is that I got to use my Skilhunt H03 headlamp, as my snowblower has no light mounted. It was easy to turn on and adjust even with gloved hands, and allowed me to get the bulk of the snow moved tonight (and hoping not too much more by morning). The H03 was caked in ice and snow when I came in (as was I!) but never faltered - And I may have even convinced my wife that at least some of my lights are a great investment!

We had crocuses popping up between the old leaves in the flower bed on the south of the house yesterday!

The 10 degree temps and high winds have shown up. I presume one side of my house will have about six feet of snow piled against it.

We ended up with a foot and a half.

You could always try something like this for motivation. You just got to remember where you put them so you don’t run them over. :smiley:

We were supposed to get 12 to 18” of snow here on Long Island. We ended up with about 4” of slushy snow. We had some big gusty winds, but not enough to take the power out. I was looking forward to testing out my new generator…. Not really…lol!

I live in PA, SW corner… if anyone SHOULD know how to drive, and take a projected “3 to 5 inches” in cool, calm, collected style? Its us…

but NOOOOOOOO. as soon as you call for 2 inches? idiots head to walmart, and clean out A-L-L the…

1) milk
2) bread
3) eggs
4) ground meat
5) coffee
6) toilet paper

I mean, i’m only 48… when i was a kid? we walked to school in a FOOT of snow, no delays.
we didnt get school cancelled for zero weather, our parents dressed us in galoshes and snow suits.
nobody went and cleaned out the store unless they called for 3 to 5 FEET, 3 to 5 inches?

“its… called… winter”

my dad? drove to and from work at the steel mill in a v-8 REAR WHEEL DRIVE CAR… its called knowing how to drive.


if i get bored casting aluminum ingots for my home machining project? in my coal burner? i am going out for COFFEE. this is sissy-la-la winter weather, this is NOT state-of-emergency weather, where i am.

make fun of my coal burner in my living room i heat the house with? you can shut the electric off for weeks, i’m still opening windows because i am too HOT, ha ha.


I swear, i am surrounded by a whole state full of complete chimpanzees, i swear.
it wouldnt be half as bad? but… we ALL grew up here, its like this EVERY YEAR… get a grip, you know?

if “stella” aint coming in and getting naked by my fire?? she aint no concern of mine, LMAO…

Here, one thing I noticed forever is that the biggest culprits are idiots with SUVs and/or 4WD.

In nice wx, they tootle along in the left lane doing 45 because they’re about as aerodynamic as a brick.

In crappy wx like rain and especially snow, they fly in the left lane doing 70-80, and are the first ones that can’t, like, stop or turn, and end up in a ditch.

I mentioned that to a friend of mine, and when on the road in fresh snow, the 3 wrecks we saw were all SUVs, including a completely flipped-over Jeep (only recognised it from the grille).

Guess they think that ABS, “stability control”, etc., lets them defy the laws of physics.

Yah, pretty much.

Here, whenever temps dip below freezing, it’s alllllllll over the news like stink on a monkey. People go into a panic, stoked by the local “news” with all sorts of warnings how not to die in the extreme cold, blah blah blah.

You’d think it’s the arrival of Fimbulvetr the way they’re all carrying on.

Friends in places like Minnesota, they feel compelled to specify whether “temps in the 20s” happens to be above or below 0. +20 in winter is beach weather. –20 is about normal.

Ugh, don’t get me started…

Too late.

Yeah, all the supermarkets end up being packed before storms like this. People fight each other over basics in the dairy aisle like crazed mothers fighting each other over those God-awful Cabbage-Patch Dolls.

And, like, seriously, do you have to wait for the day before a huge storm to go get salt, sand, shovels, etc.? Like, no one bothers to think of any of that for the WEEKS before anything like that hits?

Trust me, in the War With The Machines, the Machines will win. The Ugly Ugly Giant Bags Of Mostly Water are largely too stooopit to walk and chew gum at the same time.