Hello and Greetings from Thuringia

hello Hardware! Welcome to our madness! :smiley:

Welcome to BLF! If you’re a flashlight addict and you love it, you’re definitely in the right place! :partying_face:

Welcome and pics please :smiley:

First of all thank you for the welcome greetings.

I tried to upload pictures here, but it does not work. Does anyone have a tip for me?

Regards, Hardware

You have to upload pictures to image hosting web site (there are many that are free) and then just past the link here using image icon in your post editor…

Well, I did it. Here is a picture of my showcase. I hope its OK? (Please excuse the poor quality, it is just a cell phone recording.)

Welcome to BLF Hardware, I can already see that any advice on how to wisely spend the money is wasted on you :smiley:


Thank you.

What should it ... Hobby may be expensive and senseless .

WOW! You really ARE going to fit in here! :smiley:

WOW welcome home!

Welcome to BLF !

Hey mate and welcome!

What is the HID light with the big reflector?

Also a heartfelt thanks for the welcome greetings again.


The HID spotlight was once a halogen construction lamp. A friendly Flashaholic has me this converted. The technical data are:

- Powli 330 halogen spotlight with 20cm Reflector
- Zippy Flightmax LiPo battery pack with a nominal voltage of 14.8 volts and a capacity of 8000mAh
- Voltage control with separately switchable voltmeter
- Large 100 watt HID ballast
- Luminaires 100 Watt H3 HID Xenon burner

He was not yet surveyed. But you can see with a binoculars 1000 meters away still enough light arrives :).

Regards, Hardware

Wow, you really know how to introduce yourself. Welcome to the forum Hardware. Your english is fine, but you don't have to worry about that here anyway.

Is that a picture of your dog in your avatar? My avatar is an IR picture of one of my best buddies.

Hi @ImA4Wheelr.

Thank you for the flowers.

Yes, this is my old friend Angelo. Unfortunately, I had to let him sleep in August 2016. It was a difficult time. I now have a new dog, a 1 year old male. A wonderful friend and comrade.
There is no more faithful soul than that of a dog. Nevertheless, I still miss Angelo.

Regards, Hardware

It's nice to see you, Hardware!

Thank you.

Wow, hot picture.

Welcome to BLF!! It seems like you are in right place. That is quite a collection.

Oh, No.
New here and you already have a showcase for your flashlights.

You are already DOOMed so I may as well say Welcome to BLF.

Hello Hardware! So nice to have a new friend here! :wink: