TEXAS LUMENS Website and Store

I have about wore the web site out trying to decide. :person_facepalming:

Anything for my favorite Aussie!!! Thanks Steve. TL

Many Thanks! TL

Just visited your website. Very impressive work! Totally professional! How about a video showing off your shop?

I’ll be happy to! Let me get caught up. We have discussed having an open house soon… some Texas BBQ !!! Not sure when.

There is a Youtube video of one of the machines cutting a head…. https://youtu.be/inxGpYFWTvw I did that a month or so back. Thank you for the comments!

Thanks for the comment. TL

Open house. You sure you cant move to Australia?

Watched your video on youtube and subscribed. I’m Glenn Martin there and made a thumbs up comment.I have to say you are a total pro. Keep up the excellent work!

Thanks Glenn,

Steve, if you’ll help me catch up… I’ll move to Aussie Land!!

Whew! We ran 14.5 hours today…. ummmm…. minus a sandwitch break of 15 minutes. For those that have ordered, please hang in there with us. We had stock made but “Happily” not enough. We were forced to return 60’ of copper stock as it was so beat up, it simply could not be used. The replacement is to arrive tomorrow evening.

Thanks Guys!! TL

You mean I’d have to do work? Maybe I’ve had second thoughts. :stuck_out_tongue:

Congrats! Great pricing, wish p60 was my thing, anxiously awaiting your other work!

Is there a mailing list for new products?

I place an order too, thank you.

As time moves along there wil be more to choose from. We have a C8 sized series in process and some other surprises. We will use this thread for updates at this point.

Right now we are concentrated on getting out the very welcomed opening flood of orders that came with the site announcement. :+1: More will ship today.

Many Thanks To All!! TL

TexasLumens are you going to try to stick to specific thread sizes for the most mixing and matching options?

Order placed. Glad to support a quality American business.

TL Congrats sir. :+1: I will be ordering a few things in the future. I have a few other projects to complete first. lol Good luck brother!

Maybe y’all can clear me up on something.

I haven’t been a P60 fan for quite a while now. But you know, I just HAD to have a full Cu TL flashlight, right? So, if I’m thinking of building a copper head to screw onto the bezel threads and house a larger reflector with a copper driver bay extension fitted into the P60 area of the TL battery tube, is that wrong?

Might not even be able to do that, with what’s on my plate, but my thoughts want to make it bigger, badder, meaner. :smiley:

Hi TL,

Congratulations on launch of your new website. GLWS.

Wonderful creations, thanks for offering these and keeping them relatively within reach. :+1:


When you guys receive your P60…hosts,lights,pieces,or whatever…post some pics.

I must really be getting old. I remember when “post some pics” would have meant sending pictures via USPS. :person_facepalming:

I called my 9 yr old by my 30 yr old’s name this evening. UGH!

Will do, if I can remember how to work the Brownie…

Dale sounds a bit like this Review: SolarForce M3 with L2T body They built M3 and K3 heads.