BLF style 18650 1s thrower( poor mans Olight M2X)

My light arrived. A comparison photo.

On inspection of the light

(1) The LED is not centered.
(2) The heatsink is loose.
(3) The bezel can not be tightened down.
(4) The threads of the tube (ends) are not clean and will cut someone.
(5) The exterior of the light is missing anodize, chipped.

(6) Battery inserted.

The clicky shorted out.

That good…
It is an impressive light though.

All those findings are interesting as they mimic the original HD2010 this light is styled after. I learned to mod lights because of a faulty-out-of-the-box HD2010! lol

Have fun! :slight_smile:

As i expected it’s basically a host that needs some work then…
It’s pretty ugly too.
Can’t wait to get mine. :smiley:

+1 :smiley:

Huh, mine didnt had engraving, i see this one does…maybe a diffrent revizion? Who knows how many versions of this torch we will see

I think the no brand version is made by Courui .


Sometimes they do miss the engraving you know, i got quite a few Convoy c8/S2 withouth any markings , also several X6 too.
I realy do hope the situation here is the same…

Interesting !

Never heard of it again :slight_smile:

Mine came yesterday - has the same engraving. Not much time to test, but she lit up fine. It's definitely gawky, quirky look - head is way too big for the body, maybe I'm just not used to something like this. Even the 134 mm head of the BLF GT thrower (in drawings only) looks proportionally sized, just the 2x4X battery tube fools you for what size the light really is.

Didn't tear mine down yet, but the threads are definitely spikey, and also the ano has some chips, very much like the one ARsee pictured.

Quality degradation process already started!
When you ordered they probably did not have much orders to fulfill but after this review many people ordered in short time, they had big demond and many orders to fulfill so they speeded up the process, find supplier with cheeper price and flashlights in stock.

Mine shipped today…

Than you are lucky man. If there would be a choice I would rather have pure anodized flashlight without any Chinglish engravings.

How is the reflector?

The reflector looks good to my eyes. The dust is on the outside of the lens.

Mine too looks good. The I.D. looks to be a dead-on match to a HD2010.

It aint a luck m8, its a matter of quantity you know, rofl :smiley:

With all those hosts ordred i have lotsa “clean” ones, sometimes, ready to go flashlights arrived instead of hosts, sometimes quite different items like a hd camera or power tools, diy electronic stuff or even a broken UMI smartphone

Nice guys! That’s most important. Still can’t wait for mine to arrive.

ARsee …is that an AR glass that i see? Kinda blueish…

Guessing it's a shirt or camera in that color.

10x Tom, you are prolly right

Kinda naive to hope for an AR glass, hehe

Anyway, i do hope that they wont ruin it as they did with so many other mod friendly hosts