Again, I assume they will use a waterproof shipping pouch, but I could be wrong.

Looks like the Q8 will at least have a fighting chance against Danish Postal, but i must underline that those guys can dish up mind boggling incompetence.

But i guess thatā€™s a trademark of most postal carriers, or at least those still tucked in firmly under the gooberment wing.

Wonā€™t the flashlight itself be somewhat waterproof? They all seem to claim IPX-8 so rain on the package should do little more than damage the box.

Good point. That would be a cool test video thoughā€¦ā€¦ turn that bad boy on and drop it in a bucket of water for 5 minutes or so. :wink:

This sounds very interesting. Please add me to the list for one flashlight. I am converting an old Surefire P9 to LED/rechargeable right now, but this new flashlight should also be an excellent alternative.

Thanks for the update with the drop test video.

Very impressed with Thorfire and the BLF dev team :+1:

Looking forward to getting one of these in my hands

If the box gets wet and soggy the light will come out and then get lost in shipping. No light for you. :frowning:
Also a soggy box will not protect it in a fall. It will get chipped or scratched for sure.

So staying dry is very important.

I canā€™t recall a package from asia that did not come in a plastic bag of some sort.

I get that water/rain can cause damage to the box itself and the contents but I just donā€™t see the rain getting through to the box in the first place.

the packaging allways kinda locks pretty simple, basic and bad, but so far I have far more problems with lost shipments (including customs) than with damaged goods. So Iā€™m happy with the droptest and whatever packaging thorfire will come up with.

The plastic bag which gearbest used to protect package was not damage much, but itā€™s not water proof, so, thing happened
Thanksfully it is a keychain light

All of the lights Iā€™ve received from China, including lights from Thorfire, have either been in one of those grey padded bags, or wrapped in padding that was covered in yellow tape. I donā€™t think the package getting wet is going to be a problem.

I live in tropical country, you know, rain is very heavy, the plastic bag absorb the force, not the water

<ā€”-trying to imagine 6000 lumens aimed at a deluge of rain. Gonna light some stuff up, for sure! Maybe not very far away, but like a miniature cityā€™s worth of light coming out of your hand with all that rain to act as a diffuser! :smiley:

That would be a no on the ā€œBronze Colorā€. That was done by baking it in an oven.
Soooooo, you could do it yourself if you wish. Just be sure to disassemble it first of courseā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ :wink:

Hahaha cute J-Dub74!
Looking forward for N
moah! :smiley:

Yes the idea was packaging (so including the protective thing around the box)
But dropped more and from higher then asked so I am cool with this :wink:

Welcome new members, will update list later.
(Sorry lots to reply to and little time)

Thanks, The Miller.

Thanks, Teacher.

I did not read the entire (not even close!) build thread.

In the oven for the bronze!! I think the color is very stylish.

I would like to be added to the list for a one :slight_smile:

It should be fun any time thereā€™s something in the air. :slight_smile:
One night we had frozen fog, so I pointed a light out the front door and took a picture:

Shoot, I'll post pics. The prototypes I got came in, what appears, the same box they used in the drop test, plus the light in one of those bubble wrap bags. What was nice, since they sent two, the two were in one bigger heavier box, so thought they were very well protected.

That looks pretty cool!!! :+1:

Hello Miller, can you put me for 2 more lights, I am Nr 1006 in the list.